This readme is meant to show that all of us have proper access to the git repo for IT&C 350's project. Just add your name to the list once you've accepted the invite to be a collaborator
- Stephen Snow
- Alex Olmsted
- Thomas Noble
- Zachary Hansen
You may want to look at the flask quick start for information on flask. It's really cool, and there is a lot that can be done with flask. It is also strongly recommended that you run python -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex())'
for generating the secret in the .env file. And finally, don't forget that main is not dev. Please set up your own branch if you want to contribute
- clone the repo, preferably on your own branch
- install mariadb server
- create a database for the project
- create a user for said database identified by a password and grant all privileges on database.* Don't forget to flush_privileges just in case
- Log in to the project database as the project user, source the database-setup script from the repo
- Set up the .env
- set up a venv with python 3.12 and install dependencies using the requirements.txt. You may need to intall the python 3.12 development package to get this working
- Run the python script for importing races, classes, and backgrounds
- Enjoy your new flask application
- Characters overview
- Viewing individual characters
- Editing individual characters
- Deleting characters
- Password resets
- Party creation
- Party joining
- Improved setup instructions in readme