
Summit Analytics is a React-based web dashboard meant to aid course instructors and administrators.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Welcome to Summit Analytics


Summit Analytics is a web application that empowers educators from the National University of Singapore to make more informed decisions when crafting lessons and assignments. Educators can look forward to various analytical features that will allow them to tailor their module content to their students’ needs. The application also allows educators to better track the progress of their students based on data visualizations and statistics.

Content Page

  1. About
  2. Deployed Application
  3. Video Guide
  4. Application Advantages
  5. User Guide for Administrators
  6. User Guide for Educators
  7. Compatability
  8. Documentation Link
  9. Data Source
  10. Summit Analytics Team & Licensing

Deployed Application

Visit our application with this delopyed link. You must have login credentials.

Dear Professor Boesch, you can contact our team for your login credentials, and on the config files for our github in order to run the application on your computer.

We have two types of authentication, one for administrator, and one for course head. Click on the picture or the link below to access our live application.


Live Application: Summit Analytics

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Video Guide

Click on the picture or the link below to access our video guide.

Video Guide

Video Guide: Click Here!

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Application Advantages

Summit Analytics' UI is designed with the user in mind, adhering to the 3-click rule of user experience. Combined with our simplistic and clean UI in accordance to Gesalt's principle of simplicity, this meant a lower cognitive load for our educators using the platform.

Summit analytics is user tested, with feedback from professors in National University of Singapore to improve our application (interview log in Documentation for reference). Insights from data are displayed in the form of charts and statistics after extensive data exploration and analysis to aid educators in managing their courses, and administrators in managing their cohort. Detailed analysis specific to individual students and assignments can be accessed by the user. Updates on the data can be pushed through our AWS Lambda implementation as well in the application. Specific to Administrators, now users can compare across both cohorts and courses.

Security is enforced through Firebase user authentication.

Application also includes telegram interaction for real-time classroom interaction and centralised communication (Refer to User Guide for Educators for guide).

We hope that these features will improve the efficiency of educators in managing their courses.

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User Guide for Administrators

  1. Login and Authentication
  2. Overview Screen
  3. Students Screen
  4. Assignments Screen
  5. Cohorts Screen (Administrator Only)
  6. Courses Screen (Administrators Only)
  7. Refreshing Data
  8. Course Selection

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Login and Authentication

When you first access Summit Analytics , this is the front page of our application.


By pressing the login button, you will arrive at the login screen. You must enter your credentials to access the application.


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Overview Screen

After logging in with your credentials , you will arrive at this screen below:


This is the Overview Screen. The inital data loaded is the Students Overall Data. This screen loads the following data:

  • Total number of students in the course
  • The weakest performers (bottom 5) of the course
  • Overall assignment data per student scatter diagram

Intepreting the Overall Assignment Data per Student chart:

A student who appears on the top left corner of the chart is weaker, as this meant that he spent a lot of time on finishing the assignments, and he also did not complete much assignments.

Vice versa, a student who appears on the bottom right corner of the chart is a stronger student as he completes more assignments, and at a faster completion time.

By scrolling down, you will now arrive at the Assignment Overview Screen.


The Assignment Overview Screen loads the overall data specific to the course. The following data are loaded:

  • Total number of assignments in the course
  • The assignment release time series
  • Overall student data per assignment scatter diagram

Intepreting the Overall Student per Assignment chart:

An assignment that appears on the top left corner of the chart may be a more diffucult assignment, as it takes longer to complete on average, and that there is a lower completion rate as well, indicating that less students has completed it.

Vice versa, an assignment that appears on the bottom right corner of the chart may be an easier assignment, as it takes shorter to complete on average, and that there is a higher completion rate as well, indicating that more students has completed it.

Scroling down further, we reach the Code Combat Overview Data, with this loading screen.


Select a level to load the data.


The following data are now loaded:

  • Student completion rate pie chart
  • Cross level comparison chart
  • Overall statistics

Since the Cross Level Comparison chart may be a bit dense due to so much information, we may hover our mouse to view the number of students who completed the codecombat level, as seen in the chart below.

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Students Screen

Clicking on the Students tab then selecting a student would load the following screen.


The Students Page loads the following data regarding assigments:

  • Submissions of assignment over time
  • Assignment submission status pie chart indicating percentage of assignments submitted
  • Completion time percentile per assignment

Intepreting the Submissions (of Assignment) over Time chart:

The orange timeseries represents the course average rate of submission over time, while the green timeseries represents the student's submission of assignment over time. If the green timeseries is higher than the orange timeseries, then it meant that the student has submitted the assignments earlier than majority of the cohort. Vice versa, if the green timeseries is lower than the orange timeseries, then it meant that the student has submitted the assignments later than majority of the cohort.


Intepreting the Completion Time Percentile per Assignment chart:

If the assignment submission percentile point is above the 50% completion time percentile, this meant that the student has submitted the assignment ahead of majority of the cohort Vice versa, if the assigment submission percentile point is below the 50% completion time percentile, then the student has submitted the assignment behind majority of the cohort. The percentile metric by the side of the graph indicates the overall performance of the student. A higher percentile metric meant the student submits all the assignments on a faster time than their peers.


Scrolling down, the Students Page loads the following data regarding Code Combat:

  • Ranking based on codecombat achievements
  • Breakdown of time (efficiency) spent on code combat, with comparison to similar students
  • Relative Time Spent per Code Combat Level


Intepreting the Relative Time Spent per Code Combat Level chart:

The blue curve signifies the performance of the student with time as a metric. If the student is the slowest performer for the level, then the blue curve would touch the top of the red bar. Vice versa, if the student is the fastest performer for the level, then the blue curve would touch the top of the green bar.

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Assignments Screen

Clicking on the Assignments tab would load the following screen.



Clicking on an assignment would load the Assignment Specific data as seen:

  • Details, which loads the visibility, released date, deadline, and type of problem
  • Submission rate pie chart for assignment
  • List of students who have submitted and not submitted the assignment
  • Submission rate time series
  • Youtube Video Analysis of Student Pause Timings


Intepreting the Youtube Analysis of Student Pause Timings chart:

A peak in the chart indicates the more students has paused the video at this timing, hence this might indicate content covered that is tougher to digest for students. Hence, the instructor may cover content that the video covers with more pause attemps during class in order to explain the more difficult content.

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Cohorts Screen (Administrators Only)

Clicking on the Cohorts tab would load the following screen.


The first segment of this screen loads the comparison between all the cohorts, providing information such as the number of courses in the cohort, the average number of students per course, and the instructor of the course.


Scolling down, we would be able to view the cohort performance and effort metrics. The adminstrator would be able to view the number of levels completed by majority of the cohort, the average time spent per student in the cohort, and the median time spent per student in the cohort.


Intepreting Relative Time Spent for Each Code Combat Level by Students chart:

Each individual bar chart refers to a cohort, with metrics such as minimum time and maximum time spent per level, and average and median time spent per level, specific to each cohort. Hence, the adminstrator can easily compare the performances across the cohorts.

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Courses Screen (Administrators Only)

Clicking on the Courses tab would load the following screen.


Each graph contains information on the individual courses, ranked from best performing to worst performing (left to right) of the graph. The median school and their performance, as well as the standard deviation of each metric.The individual bar charts can be moused over in order to view more specific data, as can be seen below.





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Refeshing Data

Clicking on the Bottom Right (Top) Buttom would load the following screen.


Clicking on the Red Button will reload the data.


You can continue viewing the application while the data refreshes in the background.

Return to User Guide for Administrators Head

Course Selection

Clicking on the Bottom Right (Bottom) Buttom would load the following screen.


Clicking on any of the courses and then pressing save will load the course data.

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User Guide for Educators

  1. Login and Authentication
  2. Overview Screen
  3. Students Screen
  4. Assignments Screen
  5. Realtime Questions (Educator Only)
  6. Refreshing Data
  7. Course Selection

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Login and Authentication

When you first access Summit Analytics , this is the front page of our application.


By pressing the login button, you will arrive at the login screen. You must enter your credentials to access the application.


Return to User Guide for Educators

Overview Screen

After logging in with your credentials , you will arrive at this screen below:


This is the Overview Screen. The inital data loaded is the Students Overall Data. This screen loads the following data:

  • Total number of students in the course
  • The weakest performers (bottom 5) of the course
  • Overall assignment data per student scatter diagram

Intepreting the Overall Assignment Data per Student chart:

A student who appears on the top left corner of the chart is weaker, as this meant that he spent a lot of time on finishing the assignments, and he also did not complete much assignments.

Vice versa, a student who appears on the bottom right corner of the chart is a stronger student as he completes more assignments, and at a faster completion time.

By scrolling down, you will now arrive at the Assignment Overview Screen.


The Assignment Overview Screen loads the overall data specific to the course. The following data are loaded:

  • Total number of assignments in the course
  • The assignment release time series
  • Overall student data per assignment scatter diagram

Intepreting the Overall Student per Assignment chart:

An assignment that appears on the top left corner of the chart may be a more diffucult assignment, as it takes longer to complete on average, and that there is a lower completion rate as well, indicating that less students has completed it.

Vice versa, an assignment that appears on the bottom right corner of the chart may be an easier assignment, as it takes shorter to complete on average, and that there is a higher completion rate as well, indicating that more students has completed it.

Scroling down further, we reach the Code Combat Overview Data, with this loading screen.


Select a level to load the data.


The following data are now loaded:

  • Student completion rate pie chart
  • Cross level comparison chart
  • Overall statistics

Since the Cross Level Comparison chart may be a bit dense due to so much information, we may hover our mouse to view the number of students who completed the codecombat level, as seen in the chart below.

Return to User Guide for Educators

Students Screen

Clicking on the Students tab then selecting a student would load the following screen.


The Students Page loads the following data regarding assigments:

  • Submissions of assignment over time
  • Assignment submission status pie chart indicating percentage of assignments submitted
  • Completion time percentile per assignment

Intepreting the Submissions (of Assignment) over Time chart:

The orange timeseries represents the course average rate of submission over time, while the green timeseries represents the student's submission of assignment over time. If the green timeseries is higher than the orange timeseries, then it meant that the student has submitted the assignments earlier than majority of the cohort. Vice versa, if the green timeseries is lower than the orange timeseries, then it meant that the student has submitted the assignments later than majority of the cohort.


Intepreting the Completion Time Percentile per Assignment chart:

If the assignment submission percentile point is above the 50% completion time percentile, this meant that the student has submitted the assignment ahead of majority of the cohort Vice versa, if the assigment submission percentile point is below the 50% completion time percentile, then the student has submitted the assignment behind majority of the cohort. The percentile metric by the side of the graph indicates the overall performance of the student. A higher percentile metric meant the student submits all the assignments on a faster time than their peers.


Scrolling down, the Students Page loads the following data regarding Code Combat:

  • Ranking based on codecombat achievements
  • Breakdown of time (efficiency) spent on code combat, with comparison to similar students
  • Relative Time Spent per Code Combat Level


Intepreting the Relative Time Spent per Code Combat Level chart:

The blue curve signifies the performance of the student with time as a metric. If the student is the slowest performer for the level, then the blue curve would touch the top of the red bar. Vice versa, if the student is the fastest performer for the level, then the blue curve would touch the top of the green bar.

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Assignments Screen

Clicking on the Assignments tab would load the following screen.



Clicking on an assignment would load the Assignment Specific data as seen:

  • Details, which loads the visibility, released date, deadline, and type of problem
  • Submission rate pie chart for assignment
  • List of students who have submitted and not submitted the assignment
  • Submission rate time series
  • Youtube Video Analysis of Student Pause Timings


Intepreting the Youtube Analysis of Student Pause Timings chart:

A peak in the chart indicates the more students has paused the video at this timing, hence this might indicate content covered that is tougher to digest for students. Hence, the instructor may cover content that the video covers with more pause attemps during class in order to explain the more difficult content.

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Realtime Questions (Educator Only)

Clicking on the Realtime Questions tab would load the following screen, with the first post uploaded.


You can utlise the Summit-bot to upload question, by adding @summit_analytics_bot via telegram.

Use /start "CourseCode" to select course, and /q "message" to post.

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Refeshing Data

Clicking on the Bottom Right (Top) Buttom would load the following screen.


Clicking on the Red Button will reload the data.


You can continue viewing the application while the data refreshes in the background.

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Course Selection

Clicking on the Bottom Right (Bottom) Buttom would load the following screen.


Clicking on any of the courses and then pressing save will load the course data.

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For optimal viewing experience, we have tested our application on the following screen resolution and browsers.

Laptop Screen Resolution Browser Brower Version Optimised Zoom
Macbook Pro 13.3-inch (2560 x 1600) Opera 52.0.2871.64 90%
Macbook Pro 13.3-inch (2560 x 1600) Safari 11.0.3 (12604. 100%
Macbook Pro 13.3-inch (2560 x 1600) Chrome 65.0.3325.181 90%
Macbook Pro 13.3-inch (2560 x 1600) Firefox Quantum 59.0.2 (64-bit) 80%
Macbook Pro 13.3-inch (1280 x 800) Chrome 65.0.3325.181 100%
Macbook Pro 13.3-inch (1280 x 800) Safari 11.1 (12605. 100%
Macbook Pro 15.4-inch (2880 x 1800) Safari 11.1 (13605. 90%
Macbook Pro 15.4-inch (2880 x 1800) Chrome 65.0.3325.181 (64-bit) 80%
HP Pavillion Ck0xx 15.6 inch (1920 x 1080) Chrome 65.0.3325.181 100%
HP Pavillion Ck0xx 15.6 inch (1920 x 1080) Internet Explorer All Versions Not Supported
HP Pavillion Ck0xx 15.6 inch (1920 x 1080) Edge All Versions Not Supported
XPS 13 9350 13.3-inch (3200 x 1800) Chrome 65.0.3325.181 (64-bit) 100%
XPS 13 9350 13.3-inch (3200 x 1800) Firefox Quantum 59.0.2 (64-bit) 100%

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Summit Analytics documentation is hosted on Google Docs, accessible via the link below.

Summit Analytics Documentation

Presentation slides for our presentation can be viewed here.

Summit Analytics Presentation

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Data Source

Data for Summit Analytics was generously provided by Prof Chris Boesch, using data collected from his Achievements application as part of the project requirement for BT3103 AY 17/18.

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Summit Analytics Team


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Licensed under Apache 2.0

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