The Complex Fractals

A fractal is usually a self-similar shape, which means that a smaller section of the shape is exactly the same as the entire shape as a whole.

The Mandelbrot Set

The Mandelbrot Set is the set of all points c that do not escape to infinity on infinite iterations of the formula where z0 is 0

The Julia Set

It is the collection of all complex numbers z that do not tend to infinity on infinite iterations of the function over a constant c.


Click to try it out for yourself.

How to Interact

  • To move around, simply click and drag your mouse around on the canvas
  • To zoom in or out press the "+" and "-" keys on your keyboard
  • To change the resolution of the render, drag the slider on the top left around.
    • Do note that slower computers might have trouble handling higher resolutions.
  • To see the corresponding Julia Set for any point on the plane, simply click on that point while holding the shift key.
