
A portfolio made with react to show of my mad skills

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

My Portfolio

A React web portfolio designed to show off my mad skills with react 😉.

Contributor Covenant Last Commit to Current Repo Commits a month

Table of Contents 📃

  1. Description
  2. Screenshot
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Video Walk Through
  6. Technology
  7. Features
  8. Credits
  9. License
  10. Contribution Guidelines
  11. Feedback
  12. Socials


I had to use lots of different technologies to get this bad boy off the ground. I got to understand how state and hooks work in React., the benefits or running a single page application as well as how to do client side routing.

Link to application

User Story 👤

AS AN employer looking for candidates with experience building single-page applications I WANT to view a potential employee's deployed React portfolio of work samples SO THAT I can assess whether they're a good candidate for an open position

What did I Learn 🏫

There was a lot that I learned. I also learned the benefits of using something like vite instead of CRA as it's much faster!

I also learned how to use:

  • React hooks
  • React props.
  • React Router.
  • Email.js.
  • and much more!.


Web App Screenshot

Just another text editor web application screenshot


In order to run my site locally then please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have node and npm installed

  2. Ensure that you know the basics of vite

    • Otherwise please follow this link and follow the guide for creating a vite app.
  3. Clone this repository into your local repository.

    • git clone git@github.com:TheInfamousGrim/Progressive-Web-Application-Text-Editor.git.
  4. Install the dependencies

    • npm install

If you've followed these steps correctly then the application should be good to go 😁


Link to live application: Click here

Please follow these steps to use the application locally

  1. Seed the db.

    • npm run dev

    • this will spin up a server and allow you to hot replace anything if you want to develop on my site further.

  2. open a new tab in google chrome using the following URL



The technology used for the development of this app were:





React Router

GitHub Pages


  • SPA
  • React Router to do client side rendering
  • Vite to build and deploy the site quickly


🙏 Made with the help of:


License: MIT

MIT License

Contribution Guidelines

I'm open to have anyone jump in and contribute just message me on twitter

Please follow the contribution guidelines! Guidelines for contributing


Ask Me Anything Gmail


Any feedback please email George Fincher


GitHub: TheInfamousGrim

