Moneydance Open Source Extensions

Welcome to The Infinite Kind's repository of open source extensions and other utilities for Moneydance.

Here you will find all of the extensions which we, and others, have made available as open source for anyone to use or contribute towards.

To develop and build these extensions you'll need the Moneydance Developer Kit and documentation which is available at our developer site.

To communicate with the developers and other Moneydance community members, please feel free to join The Infinite Kind's public slack or review the extension development section of our support site.

Suggestions for building

  • Use java version 11 at least
  • Add extadmin.jar and moneydance-dev.jar from the devkit to the lib folder
  • Some of the projects use the non-public api's. For those you need to copy the moneydance jar file to the root directory
  • Create keys as explained in the developer kit documentation