
A collision detection experiment for the fc64js fantasy console

Supports collisions between points, lines, circles, rectangles, and polygons

Each pair of shapes can be experimented with in an interactive demo, and all combinations are showcased in an autoplay demo

Live preview


  • Press L/R to cycle through the options
  • Press A to confirm selection
  • Press B at any point to return

Autoplay demo

Automatically cycles through all the possible combinations of collidable shapes, randomly moving a dynamic shape around

  • Press nothing to just let it do it's thing
  • Press U/D to cycle through the dynamic shapes
  • Press L/R to cycle through the static shapes

Interactive demos

  • Press U/D/L/R to move the currently selected dynamic element (flashing)
  • Press A for demo specific actions - commonly used to randomise shape positions and sizes and to cycle between currently selected dynamic elements (e.g. ends of lines)
  • Hold A and press U/D/L/R for more demo specific actions (sometimes) - commonly used to resize circles and add/remove vertices to/from polygons

Running locally

git clone https://github.com/TheInvader360/fc64js-collision-detection.git
cd fc64js-collision-detection
npm ci
npm upgrade fc64js
npm run lint
npm run dev


npm run build-and-preview


  • Code by TheInvader360
  • Collision logic ported over from this book by Jeff Thompson (refer to docs/notes.md for changes)