
Interview Test using a To Do List

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to use

Load up http://todolist.james.am for the candidate. Tell them "This is an application we've built interally and are planning to use to track basic tasks day to day, we'd like you to give it a quick test (timeboxed to 20 mins) to identify any issues"

As this is a browser based test, there are a few ways you can suggest they write their findings, such as:

It's important to note that the test itself is not important, we just use the results of the test as a starting point for many different conversations.

Topics needed to cover:

  • Assumptions made (What should the "Clear" button do? Clear completed? Clear Everything?)

    • Who would you clear these assumptions with?
  • Field Testing

    • Max values (Length)
    • Unicode?
    • JS Injection?
    • DB Injection? (Did they know it doesn't use a DB?)
  • Value of Exploratory vs Script based testing

    • Which will result in finding more issues?
    • Given limited time, which would you focus on any why?
  • Severity vs Impact of the bugs

    • What is Severity and Impact?
    • How would you prioritise the list you've written?
      • If you only had 5 minutes to retest the application, where would you start?
  • What is written down in a bug report from this example?

    • Input Provided
    • Expected Output
    • Actual Output
    • Full steps to reproduce?
    • Log files? (if logical error/exception)
    • Screenshot? (if visual error)

Bugs still to Create

  • Editing an item to be empty doesn't delete the item.
  • Save blank items

Current Bugs

  • Not counting the number of items properly (-1)
  • Spelling error (toodo) in instruction text at the bottom of the screen
  • Active should have a capital 'A' for consistency
  • Can't prioritise the tasks / reorder items
  • Elements are too pale/small/unreadable
  • Undoing "Complete All" takes two clicks
  • Spelling Error in default "What need's to be done?" Text (apostrophe)
  • Delete Task button has a tooltip of "TODO:REMOVE THIS EVENTUALLY"
  • When window is made smaller, everything looks fine except the title overlaps itself
  • When a large item is created, the "Complete" button is vertically centered, but the delete button is at the bottom.
  • After creating a new item, the "New Item" entry box has 3 spaces in it
  • Word Wrapping isn't great - Cuts words apart
  • Inappropriate comment in source code.
  • Two 404 errors in the console
  • Trimmed items will expand to their original state when editing
  • Rarely on a refresh, the Symbol à will appear instead of the X and â will appear instead of the "Check All" button (Font failing to load)
  • When using two tabs, the list is not kept up to date, you need to manually refresh.

Improvement Suggestions

  • Not using HTTPS
  • When a large item is created, the "Complete" button is vertically centered, but the delete button is at the bottom.
  • Down arrow as "Complete All" is unintuitive
  • When adding a new item, page should navigate back to the "All" or "Active" tab to see the new item.

Worthwhile observations

  • It trims spaces at the start and the end and only allows a single space elsewhere.
  • Item count should probbably be on a page by page basis, not global.