A python script to convert a mono/stereo audio track to an ambisonics track (not properly) by phase and pan.
- abulgakovSan Francisco, CA
- alsdk1413
- andrejhroncoOpenSpace
- Arry1138
- beefooNew York, NY
- denisfitz57
- gridhawk
- Harshil783
- immf
- jaeyeonkim99
- KayMDUnited States
- keunhongUniversity of Washington
- LikeCorley
- LiuAoYu510BeiJing
- mathigattiBuenos Aires, Argentina
- MicrochipQ
- NeatWolfFreelance Unity Gamedev
- othreecodes@cowrywise
- perathambkk
- pneumix
- Shaburu
- shivasiddharth
- SlickDaMystery
- theronic@olarmtech
- totallynotadiMaharashtra, IN
- usworkedTejas
- yangzilong1986
- YMC-GitHubHaiNan,China
- zhaojingxin123
- zibdieNew York Metropolitan Area