
My personal dotfiles for setting up and maintaining my Macs in minutes

Primary LanguageShell

monfresh new mac setup

This repo contains all the scripts I use to set up a new Mac, and to keep my dotfiles in sync across my computers. I use chezmoi to manage the dotfiles. Read my step-by-step detailed guide.

Before setting up a new Mac

Export App preferences from existing main Mac

defaults export com.manytricks.Moom ~/Dropbox/Moom/Moom.plist
  • Export Bear prefs:
defaults export net.shinyfrog.bear ~/Dropbox/Bear/Bear.plist

Deactivate licenses/Sign out

  • Dropbox
  • Gemini 2
  • Screenflow
  • Tower
  • Apple TV, Music

Set up new Mac

  1. Sign in to iCloud and App Store

  2. Install all macOS updates.

  3. Launch App Store and sign in, otherwise installing apps via mas won’t work.

  4. Install 1Password and sign in.

  5. Quit Terminal (if it's running), and give it full disk access in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy tab -> Full Disk Access

  6. Download .laptop.local:

cd ~
curl --remote-name https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monfresh/dotfiles/master/dot_laptop.local
mv dot_laptop.local .laptop.local
  1. Run the Ruby on Mac Ultimate script.

When prompted by chezmoi for email, enter the email you want to use for Git. When prompted for location, enter home or work, so that the appropriate apps and aliases are installed based on whether this is a home computer or work computer. See Brewfile.local.tmpl for an example. When prompted for the various tokens, get them from 1Password and paste them in.

  1. Restart the computer.

  2. Read ~/.laptop.manual.md for additional manual setup instructions:

bat ~/.laptop.manual.md