How to install ?

Requirements : Symfony 5.x, Composer 2.x, PHP 7.4.x and an SQL database like MySQL

Run this following commands at the root of the Symfony project :

Don't forget to edit your .env files with your informations for the SQL database

  • composer install
  • php bin/console d:d:c
  • php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
  • symfony server:start

Now the Symfony's web server should be ready, so go to http://localhost:8000/ (maybe the port can be a little different depends on your configuration)

You should now be able to create an account with the Register button, the registration is done in a Bootstrap modal.

And then you can logged to your account with the Login button, the connection is also done in a modal.

Note : You must be logged in to access http://localhost:8000/user-only