
A django project to be tested with selenium

Primary LanguagePython

Django poll example app


Install Google Chrome

Install Python >= 3.7

Install Poetry

Run poetry install

Run the migrations

$ poetry run python manage.py migrate

Create a super user

$ poetry run python manage.py createsuperuser

Running the server

$ poetry run python manage.py runserver

Checking the server works

Visit, login with the credentails of the super user.

Create a question "Are you sure?" with two answers "Yes", and "No"

Visit You should be able to vote.

Running selenium tests with Chrome


https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/home and download the latest stable release

Extract the archive

Create C:\chromedriver

Put chromedriver.exe inside c:\chromedriver\chromedriver.exe

Add C:\chromedriver to the PATH environment variable for your account.

Keep the server running, and type the following commands in a new window:

set PYTHONBREAKPOIRT=ipdb.set_trace
poetry run pytest -vs

You should get:

  • A Chrome instance controlled by Python
  • And an interactive Python shell where you can type code that Chrome executes.

Resetting the database

Visit the polls/reset URL


Try and write a test that

  • resets the DB
  • creates a poll
  • votes one on answer

Make a fork of this repo and push your code there

How to fork this project

# Clone your fork
git clone https://github.com/your-name-todos-tdd

# Add the 'upstream' remote
git remote add upstream https://git@github.com/dmerejkowsky/todos-tdd.git
# Fetch it
git fetch upstream

# Configure the local 'master' branch to track the remote 'master' branch f
# from upstream
git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream/master

Now, if you are on the master branch, you can run git pull to synchronize changes from upstream.

You can also create a new branch like your-name and push it to your fork

git checkout your-name
# Change files, make commit
git push origin your-name