
Flask version of https://github.com/TheJulienM/webatrio-test-technique

Primary LanguagePython

Web-atrio technical test Flask Version - Web application by Julien MARFELLA (@TheJulienM)

How to install this project :

  1. Clone the project :
    • git clone git@github.com:TheJulienM/webatrio-test-technique-flask.git
  2. Go to the project folder :
    • cd webatrio-test-technique-flask
  3. Create your virtualenv :
    • virtualenv venv
  4. Activate your virtualenv :
    • On Windows : venv\Scripts\activate
    • On Linux / macOS : source venv/bin/activate
  5. Create a .env file from the .env.example:
    • On Windows : copy .env.example .env
    • On Linux / macOS : cp .env.example .env
  6. Edit the database URL with your own configuration
  7. Install the necessary dependencies for this project in the virtualenv :
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  8. Run the project
    • py app.py
  9. Now, the Flask application should be ready. Go to http://localhost:5000/ (the port may be different)