
Free course material for Udacity's Android Kotlin Developer Nanodegree

Android Kotlin Developer Nanodegree

Free course material for Udacity's Android Kotlin Developer Nanodegree


Syllabus Links
Course 1
- Build your First App
- Layouts
- App Navigation
- Activity and Fragment Lifecycle
- App Architecture (UI Layer)

Course 2
- Recycler View
- Connect to the Internet
- Behind the Scenes
- Designing for Everyone
1. Udacity: Developing Android Apps with Kotlin

2. Codelabs: Android Kotlin Fundamentals
Course 3
- Using Notifications
- Creating Custom Views
- Drawing on Canvas Objects
- Clipping Canvas Objects
- Android Property Animations
- Using Motion Layout to Animate Android Apps

Course 4
- Wandering in Google Maps with Kotlin
- Virtual Treasure Hunt with Geofences
- Testing: Basics
- Introduction to Test Doubles and Dependency Injection
- Survey of Advanced Testing Topics
- Implementing Login on Android with FirebaseUI
3. Udacity: Advanced Android with Kotlin

4. Codelabs: Advanced Android in Kotlin