
Bootstrap for Akai MPCs and Force

Primary LanguageShell

    __ __| |           |  /_) |     ___|             |           |
       |   __ \   _ \  ' /  | |  / |      _ \ __ \   |      _` | __ \   __|
       |   | | |  __/  . \  |   <  |   |  __/ |   |  |     (   | |   |\__ \
      _|  _| |_|\___| _|\_\_|_|\_\\____|\___|_|  _| _____|\__,_|_.__/ ____/

MPC / Force bootstrap scripts

This "bootstrap" implementation allows Akai MPCs / Force system customization at boot time as linux application launching, data rescue, backup settings,... You need to update your MPC/Force with a modded image that will launch the bootstrap from the internal filesystem, before the MPC application starts.

Check also the "libs" Wiki : https://github.com/TheKikGen/MPCLiveXplore-libs/wiki

How to install :

  1. Update as usual (usb procedure) with the last MPC / Force modded image to enable the bootstrap script :


  2. Copy to the "tkgl_bootstrap_[ProjectData]" directory to the root of an sdcard/usb stick, preferably formatted with ext4 filesystem

    You can download the last version in a zip file here : https://github.com/TheKikGen/MPC-LiveXplore-bootstrap/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
    (remove the sufix "main" after unzip)

    The directory MUST be named "tkgl_bootstrap_[ProjectData]" to be recognized by the bootstrap script within the image. This suffix allows to hide the directory when you are using the MPC app.

You can also burn a sdcard by downloading one of the ready made bootstrap image here. I recommend to run an update after installation.

Activation of modules at boot

You need to edit the file tkgl_bootstrap_[ProjectData]/doer_list to add a modules list you want to launch at boot time.
Follow instructions within the file itself.

How to update from an existing bootstrap :

Run the script "tkgl_update" in the tkgl_bootstrap_[ProjectData]/scripts directory. You can also open a terminal or a command line and enter :

ssh root@(your mpc ip) "/media/TKGL_BOOTSTRAP/tkgl_bootstrap_[ProjectData]/scripts/tkgl_update"

Creating your own module

Copy paste an existing module (for example the arp_overlay) to create your own.

The module name must have a directory at tkgl_bootstrap_[ProjectData]/modules/mod_your-module-name.

Within the module directory, the start script must be named tkgl_mod_your-module-name.sh.

Your module must be then added to the tkgl_bootstrap_[ProjectData]/doer_list file.

If your MPC is stuck, remove the sdcard and reboot. You will find a log in the tkgl_bootstrap_[ProjectData]/logs.

Availables modules

# DOER_LIST : Bootstrap modules launcher
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Module name  : Description
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install      : setup some directories and permissions on the filesystem
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# etcovr_clean : clean passwords files and ssh config on the /etc overlay (/media/internal-sd).
#              : Even if ssh is enabled on the modified image, the overlay of the /etc directory 
#              : on internal-sd may restrict its use.  This module deletes any etc configuration files
#              : on that overlay.  Run once.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# telnetd      : launch a telnetd server (root access). Experimental.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# nomoressh    : stop the ssh temporarily for security reasons (e.g. during live performance).
#                You'll need to remove the usb key to reactivate ssh.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# arp_overlay  : add your own arp patterns on the sdcard.
#              : Arp patterns are read only when the MPC app starts.  This module creates an
#              : overlay of the "/usr/share/Akai/SME0/Arp Patterns" directory on the bootstrap sdcard at
#              : "/media/TKGL_BOOTSTRAP/tkgl_bootstrap_[ProjectData]/modules/mod_arp_overlay/Arp Patterns"
#              : You must copy your own arp patterns within the "overlay" subdirectory.
#              : More than 3000 arp patterns are provided by default. 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rtpmidid     : Launch rtpmidi and avahi daemon in the background to enable midi over ethernet.  You can
#              : use application like TouchDaw or any rtpmidi/Apple midi compatible device to control your
#              : MPC/Force.  In the midi input/output, you will see a "rtpmidi tkgl Network" midi port.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# nomoreazmidi : az01-midi is the proprietary Akai ethernet midi service, used notably to enable Ableton Live
#              : remote session. This module will stop the service (so will disable also Live remote control).
#              : If you use rtpmidid module, this is a recommended setting to avoid conflicts.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# iamforce2    : Force software launcher V2 on a MPC using midimapper.so ld_preload library
#              : @Parameter : driver id to use. e.g. : iamforce2@LPMK3
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# playlogo     : Play an intro video at boot with ffmpeg
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ffstream     : Stream the screen to a client via udp. You need to specify the IP address and port adress 
#              : of the client (e.g. "ffstream@". On the client side, you can use ffplay 
#              : to start the stream, e.g. : ffplay -f mpegts udp://(your MPC id addr):23000
#              : Streaming starts 30 seconds after the boot.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# kms2fb       : Kms graphical driver (mali) to frame buffer /dev/fb0 real time redirection with ffmpeg.
#              : Start 30 seconds after the boot.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vnc4mpc      : Start a VNC server based on the framebuffer. You need to plug a keyboard if you want to 
#              : control keystrokes remotely.  Start 30 seconds after the boot.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# smbnetfs     : Connect to your Windows share from your Force or MPC
#              : @Parameters : '(user name)','(password)','(workgroup'),'(smb server ip)','(share name)'
#	       : e.g. : smbnetfs@'anonymous','','WORKGROUP','','MUSIC_SHARE'  	 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rtpmidi : Credit to David Moreno. https://github.com/davidmoreno/rtpmidid