
A little PHP script created for uploading custom sharex files to your own webserver

Primary LanguagePHP


A little PHP script created for uploading custom sharex files to your own webserver.

OP: JoeGandy; Great stuff!

RMSFT Edits:


First we start by uploading the contents of the 'src' directory to the root of our website

Next is the configuration file, found in /dashboard/config.php here there are a few key settings

/* This is a secure key that only you should know, an added layer of security for the image upload */
'secure_key' => '256bitkeyencryptionforthelolz420',

/* This is the url your output will be, usually http://www.domain.com/u/, also going to this url will be the gallery page */
'output_url' => 'http://example.com/',

/* This request url, so the path pointing to the uplaod.php file */
'request_url' => 'http://example.com/dashboard/upload.php',

/* This is a redirect url if the script is accessed directly */
'redirect_url' => 'https://example.com/',

/* This is a list of IPs that can access the gallery page (Leave empty for universal access) */
'allowed_ips' => ['::1',''],

/* Page title of the gallery page */
'page_title' => "your own Gallery",

/* Heading text at the top of the gallery page */
'heading_text' => "your own Gallery",

/* Delete file option (true to enable, disabled by default) */
'enable_delete' => true,

/* Show image in tooltip  (true to enable, disabled by default) */
'enable_tooltip' => true,

/* Show link to download all files as .zip (Untested with large archives of files) */
'enable_zip_dump' => false,

/* Generate random name (true to enable, disabled by default) */
'enable_random_name' => true,

/* Select lenght of random name (10 symbols by default) */
'random_name_length' => 10,

ShareX Configuration

Automatic setup

We've added a auto generater to get you up and running quickly in ShareX, simply go to the gallery site, in the config above thats: http://example.com Once you have access to the gallery, a link will appear the bottom that will generate an import file for shareX to automagically setup the enviroment for you.

Manual setup

Alteratively if you have a trouble with the above, below is the old manual setup process

1. From the ShareX main application we go to Destinations > Custom uploader settings
2. Add a new profile (Uploaders onthe left)
3. Request type POST, the url should be http://www.example.com/dashboard/upload.php
4. File form name: "d" (without quotation marks)
5. Arguments are:
    - "key"(without quotation marks), this should be set to the 'secure key' you set in your config.php
    - "name"(without quotation marks), this is how the files will be named, for mine, I use '%h.%mi.%s-%d.%mo.%yy'
6. The setup is now complete, test your uploader and it 'should' work!

Preview of the gallery page

Preview of gallery

Planned Features

View the tasks board here