
Pretty much everything deployed on my cluster for transparency

Primary LanguageSmartyGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0



The kitty zone infrastructure

To the repository where everything lies that I currently run and that is publically available on TheKitty.zone.


A non exhaustive list of deployed services.

Planned Deployments:

  • Matrix

  • Nextcloud

Below you will find instruction on how to set this repo up yourself.


You will need a Ceph cluster and you need to configure at least every ingress to your domain, you might also change any other configuration. To create the K3S cluste you will need an Hetzner account and the api token that you can generate from a given project.

Install Terraform on MacOS or Linux using Homebrew:

brew install terraform

The you will need get the latest kubehetzner version:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kube-hetzner/terraform-hcloud-kube-hetzner/master/kube.tf.example > terraform/kube.tf

You will need to customize it and activate nginx ingress, also the deployments need at least 24GB of ram.

After that you run:

cd terraform && terraform init


terraform apply

In order to apply this yourself, you'll need a GitHub account and a personal access token that can create repositories (check all permissions under repo).

Install the Flux CLI on MacOS or Linux using Homebrew:

brew install fluxcd/tap/flux

Or install the CLI by downloading precompiled binaries using a Bash script:

curl -s https://fluxcd.io/install.sh | sudo bash

Repository structure

The Git repository contains the following top directories:

  • apps dir contains a list of directories named after the namespaces that has deployments. These folders contain the configuration files such as Helm Releases for each app
  • infrastructure dir contains common infra tools such as sealed-secrets-controller and other tools not installed by terraform
  • clusters dir contains the Flux configuration
├── apps
│   ├── base
│   └── production 
├── infrastructure
│   ├── configs
│   └── controllers
└── clusters
    └── production

Bootstrap production

The clusters dir contains the Flux configuration:

└── production
    ├── apps.yaml
    └── infrastructure.yaml

In clusters/production/ dir we have the Flux Kustomization definitions, for example:

apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: Kustomization
  name: apps
  namespace: flux-system
  interval: 10m0s
    - name: infra-configs
    kind: GitRepository
    name: flux-system
  path: ./apps/production
  prune: true
  wait: true

Note that with path: ./apps/production we configure Flux to sync the production Kustomize overlay and with dependsOn we tell Flux to create the infrastructure items before deploying the apps.

Fork this repository on your personal GitHub account and export your GitHub access token, username and repo name:

export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-token>
export GITHUB_USER=<your-username>
export GITHUB_REPO=<repository-name>

Verify that your production cluster satisfies the prerequisites with:

flux check --pre

Bootstrap Flux on production by setting the context and path to your production cluster:

flux bootstrap github \
    --context=production \
    --owner=${GITHUB_USER} \
    --repository=${GITHUB_REPO} \
    --branch=main \
    --personal \

Watch the production reconciliation:

$ flux get kustomizations --watch

NAME             	REVISION     	SUSPENDED	READY	MESSAGE                         
apps             	main/696182e	False    	True 	Applied revision: main/696182e	
flux-system      	main/696182e	False    	True 	Applied revision: main/696182e	
infra-configs    	main/696182e	False    	True 	Applied revision: main/696182e	
infra-controllers	main/696182e	False    	True 	Applied revision: main/696182e	

Access the Flux UI

To access the Flux UI on a cluster, first start port forwarding with:

kubectl -n flux-system port-forward svc/weave-gitops 9001:9001

Navigate to http://localhost:9001 and login using the username admin and the password set in infrastructure/controllers/weave-gitops.yaml.

Weave GitOps provides insights into your application deployments, and makes continuous delivery with Flux easier to adopt. The GUI provides a guided experience to build understanding and simplify getting started for new users; they can easily discover the relationship between Flux objects and navigate to deeper levels of information as required.

You can change the admin password bcrypt hash in infrastructure/controllers/weave-gitops.yaml:

apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
  name: weave-gitops
  namespace: flux-system
  # ...omitted for brevity
      create: true
      username: admin
      # bcrypt hash for password "flux"
      passwordHash: "$2a$10$P/tHQ1DNFXdvX0zRGA8LPeSOyb0JXq9rP3fZ4W8HGTpLV7qHDlWhe"

To generate a bcrypt hash please see Weave GitOps documentation.

Note that on production systems it is recommended to expose Weave GitOps over TLS with an ingress controller and to enable OIDC authentication for your organisation members. To configure OIDC with Dex and GitHub please see this guide.