How to use:

./ <../path_to_your_printf> (cspduixX%) (012)
			(sdiuxXp%) =	List of Type you want to test
							All tested if any specified
			(0,1,2) =	0 display failed tests only (If any specified)
						1 display failed and succeed tests
						2 display failed and succeed with more details

Go check flag_by_type.txt to see which types are tested with which flags.
	Only combination of types and flags with defined behavior are tested
	In main_all.c, you can change line 13
		#define ALLTEST 0
		#define ALLTEST 1
	if you want to test all types with all flags.

BONUS: (not working well ATM)
			You can use the flag '-bonus' to toggle on bonus. It's must be the first arg after your path.
			You must have all green test of previous part. -bonus is a more advanced version.

			./ <../path_to_your_printf> -bonus -new
			Remove -new flag, to keep params of the last execute

			-bonus are not protected. Random answer will result random behavior.