I started working on this project when Views
came out for py-cord but I had never finished it.
This discord bot is centered around an nhentai wrapper for python https://pypi.org/project/hentai/
waifu-pics api https://waifu.pics/
heroku api for memes https://meme-api.herokuapp.com/gimme
This bot uses the following non already installed by default modules.
1. Install python and make sure you add it to your systems path enviroment.
2. Dowload the latest version.
3. Unzip it into the prefered directory.
4. Create an application at https://discord.com/developers/applications.
5. Add a bot to said application.
6. Scroll down in the bot tab and enable all privilege intents.
7. Copy the bots token.
8. Edit main.py and at the last line replace "watCGwastdaiytwcwafawtwtpotwbiGAaPaS!" with the copied bot token.
9. Run start.bat and if you did everything correctly it should work.
10. (OPTIONAL) Watch steven universe.
This bot contains NOT SAFE FOR WORK content in most of its features. ONLY DEGENS ALLOWED!!!
Nhentai enabled CloudFlare which is preventing any interaction with the website. We hope this eventually gets disabled. Meanwhile commands that envolve the hentai
api will not work.
I developed this discord bot, you can contact me on discord, Law#0668. Thank you py-cord devs for making this incredible wrapper for the discord api, since discord.py came back I don't really know if I will keep using py-cord, only time will tell.