
VSCode Extention Demo for webpack

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Microsoft HackWeek 2018 Project


Today, spinning up a modern development enviornment comes with a significant amount of initial overhead. This overhead is vital to creating a scaled modern web application, but perhaps we can leverage a platform we all use here at Microsoft to make it easier to dive in and "write code". That platform being VS Code.

The extension is designed to add 3 development experiences that provide an end-to-end story for web applications.


Today most modern web applications leverage some sort of JavaScript bundler or compiler (like webpack). The goal here is to allow a developer to instantly open up any project using webpack (or for the future another build tool) and instantly spin up a development enviornment behind the scene leveraging conventions like entry point, default dev. server ports, etc.


Most of these compilers/bundlers contain powerful and beneficial information that can be combined with browser based diagnostics as well.

Stories for this pillar will involve:

  • Leveraging webpack build stats to produce diagnostics that:

    • Indicate inline the size of a built import/dep based on webpack stats

    • Indicate based on Chrome Coverage reports, if a dependency is used upfront (aka is it dead code for your initial page render), and then suggest converting it to a import() statement instead.

    • Create TreeViews that list all the modules in your build and show "what led to this module being included in ones bundle?".


Since webpack and tooling today allows you to create a static site and generate the needed html, css, js assets in a single build, we should round out the experience by allowing developers with a single command "code deploy" spin up their static sites to an anonymous Azure Storage hosting provider. Think of zeit now npm module which lets you type now in the command line to spin up your application with no effort.