
Resources made publicly available for Job Searching Friends

Primary LanguageRuby

Portfolio Page

Phase 0: Motivation

Your portfolio site will showcase your projects and background in a nice package.

For your inspiration here are some examples from alumni:

Phase 1: Pick a Template

Use a template so you don't have to design anything.

  • You'll save a lot of time.
  • You're a web developer, not a web designer.
  • An ugly/poorly designed portfolio site can take you out of consideration for a position. Don't risk it!
    • HR screeners who see an ugly/poorly designed portfolio site may reject you based purely on that (dumb, but it happens). Their standards for web design quality are influenced by the sites they use most often, which are usually websites that have whole design teams behind them.

Free Templates

Paid Template

Phase 2: Fill in the Details

  • A short personal summary - this will be very similar to your "personal pitch".
  • A nice, well-lit picture of you. The one in the progress tracker is perfect!
  • A list of your projects with short descriptions:
    • Use the keywords from your résumé
    • For each project include a live link and a link to its Github repo
  • Easy access to your email and your resume
    • Link to view a PDF version of your resume
    • <a href="path/to/resume">View my Resume</a>
    • I should be able to cmd + f 'resume' and 'email'
  • Links to your GitHub and LinkedIn
  • Links to your blog / Twitter / etc. if they're well maintained and show your interest in the web/tech.
  • Google analytics so you can see who's looking at your site.
    • Send each company a unique query string so you can track which ones are visiting your page.
    • You'll find this under Audience > Overview > View Full Report.
    • The Behavior Flow feature will tell you which parts of your site they're looking at most.

Phase 3: Launch It!

1. Deploy to Github pages

  • Your repo should be called 'myGithubName.github.io'
  • Place all the code for your portfolio site within this repo

2. Register a domain

  • We recommend namecheap.com for registering domains.
  • Instructions to set up namecheap with Github pages here

3. Set up a CNAME

Phase 4: Review For Submission

N.B. Address these and then submit on Jobberwocky under 'Personal Site'

Portfolio Site:

  • Easy access to your Resume in pdf form as a hosted asset on the site.
  • Easy access to your contact information, especially your e-mail address.
  • Links to your Github, LinkedIn, and any relevant well-curated social media.
  • Screenshots and brief descriptions of your projects, including live links and repo links.
  • A section detailing your skills and technologies.
  • An "About Me" section that details your background, why you love coding, and what technologies you use.
  • A photograph of you!

Quick hacks

To demo some HTML/CSS/JS fast, there's HTML Preview.