NucDynamics ----------- NucDynamics is a Python/Cython program for the calculation of genome structures from single-cell Hi-C chromosome contact data using a simulated annealing particle dynamics protocol. This software takes NCC format contact data (as output by NucProcess) and creates 3D coordinates, which are output as N3D (a simple tab-separated format, see below) or PDB (ProteinDataBank) format files. If the result of the calculation is output as PDB format the structures may be viewed in molecular graphics software such as PyMol. Further output formats will be supported in the near future. To run NucDynamics issue the 'nuc_dynamics' command line followed by the name/location of an input NCC format contact file. Various options may be specfied on the command line using flags that are prefixed with '-'. A full listing of these is given below, but commonly -o (the output coordinate file), -m (the number of conformational models to generate), -f (output file format) and -s (the particle size or sizes to use) will be specified. Parameters relating to the restraint distances are not normally changed when calculating interphase genome structures. However, the annealing stage temperatures and the number of temperature and dynamics steps may be adjusted according to the amount and/or quality of the single-cell Hi-C contacts. The default parameters are generally suitable for good data sets with at least 40,000 contacts but better results may be obtained with longer and more gentle annealing, i.e. more temperature steps and dynamics steps. It should be noted that obtaining high-quality whole-genome structures (with a tight conformational bundle) is dependant on both having a good number of contacts and having a reasonable proportion of inter-chromosomal (trans) contacts. As a rough guide, around 40,000 total contacts with 2000 trans contacts is about the lower limit for calculating resonable structures (intra-bundle RMSD < 2 radii) at a 100 kb particle size. Though, having a higher proportion of trans contacts can make up for shortfalls in the total count. The quality of the output structure bundles naturally depends on the final sequence resolution that is chosen, as specified by the particle size (-s option). Though the default paramaters calculate to a final size of 100 kb, for more sparse datasets larger sizes often give good results. Using finer sizes can provide more detail, but will increase the number of particles that are not restrained by at least one Hi-C derived contact, and thus the precision (RMSD) at the particle scale will decrease. Though, with >100,000 contacts particle sizes of 25 kb are reasonable. However, finer resolutions will naturally increase memory requirements and calculation time. Multiple particle sizes can be specified so that the genome structure calculation uses a hierarchical protocol, calculating a low resolution structure first and then basing the next, finer resolution stage on the output of the previous stage. Hierarchical particle sizes need not be used, but they make the calculation more robust. Python Module Requirements --------------------------- This software uses Python version 2 or 3 and requires that the Numpy and Cython packages are installed and available to the Python version that runs NucDynamics. These modules are available in bundled Python packages like Anaconda or Canopy, in most Linux distributions' package managers or can be installed on most UNIX-like systems using pip: pip install numpy pip install cython Installation ------------ NucDynamics does not require installation as such and may be run directly from its download location, though all the component files must reside in the same directory. When first run, NucDynamics will attempt to compile the modules written in Cython. A re-compilation may be forced by deleting the .so and .c files that result from the compilation. The Cython code may also be compiled indepenently using the script as follows: python build_ext --inplace Running NucDynamics ------------------- Typical use, generating 10 conformational models in PDB format: nuc_dynamics example_chromo_data/Cell_1_contacts.ncc -m 10 -f pdb Specifying the particle sizes (8 Mb, 2 Mb, 1 Mb, 500 kb) and an output file name: nuc_dynamics example_chromo_data/Cell_1_contacts.ncc -m 10 -f pdb -o Cell_1.pdb -s 8 2 1 0.5 Example Data ------------ Example NCC format contact data to demonstrate NucDynamics is avaiable in the example_chromo_data sub-directory, as a .tar.gz archive which must be extracted before use. N3D coordinate format --------------------- The default N3D output file format for genomic 3D coordinate positions is a simple whitespace-separated format consisting of blocks of lines for separate chromosomes (or other named sequence segments). Each block consists of a header line, giving the chrosome name, number of coordinates (i.e. number of particle positions) and the number of alternative coordinate models. The subsequent particle data lines for the chromosome contain the basebair sequence position followed by cartesian (X, Y, Z) coordinates for each alternative model. i.e. each block is arranged like: chr_name num_coords num_models seq_pos_a xa1 ya1 za1 xa2 ya2 za2 xa3 ya3 za3 ... seq_pos_b xb1 yb1 zb1 xb2 yb2 zb2 xb3 yb3 zb3 ... ... For example the lines for two chromosomes, each with 5 positions/coordinates and 1 model could be: chr7 5 1 3000000 9.58282628 7.00573100 -1.83845778 3100000 9.59673638 5.97364070 -2.01971472 3200000 10.96127666 5.81146425 -1.89757439 3300000 10.62732797 4.85757116 -1.96395929 3400000 10.12147618 5.03441764 -1.01074847 chrX 5 1 3100000 -4.90378489 5.82575335 -2.68593345 3200000 -3.82554225 5.68513329 -2.78682360 3300000 -2.86136185 5.20402428 -2.68921585 3400000 -3.37860658 4.53744574 -2.09833147 3500000 -4.05993187 3.72324210 -2.17562361 Command line options for nuc_dynamics ------------------------------------- usage: nuc_dynamics [-h] [-o OUT_FILE] [-m NUM_MODELS] [-f OUT_FORMAT] [-s Mb_SIZE [Mb_SIZE ...]] [-iso Mb_SIZE] [-pow FLOAT] [-lower DISTANCE] [-upper DISTANCE] [-bb_lower DISTANCE] [-bb_upper DISTANCE] [-ran INT] [-rad DISTANCE] [-hot TEMP_KELVIN] [-cold TEMP_KELVIN] [-temps NUM_STEPS] [-dyns NUM_STEPS] [-time_step TIME_DELTA] NCC_FILE Single-cell Hi-C genome and chromosome structure calculation module for Nuc3D and NucTools positional arguments: NCC_FILE Input NCC format file containing single-cell Hi-C contact data, e.g. use the demo data at example_chromo_data/Cell_1_contacts.ncc optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUT_FILE Optional name of output file for 3D coordinates in N3D or PDB format (see -f option). If not set this will be auto-generated from the input file name -m NUM_MODELS Number of alternative conformations to generate from repeat calculations with different random starting coordinates: Default: 1 -f OUT_FORMAT File format for output 3D coordinate file. Default: "n3d". Also available: "pdb" -s Mb_SIZE [Mb_SIZE ...] One or more sizes (Mb) for the hierarchical structure calculation protocol (will be used in descending order). Default: 8.0 4.0 2.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 -iso Mb_SIZE Contacts must be near another, within this (Mb) separation threshold (at both ends) to be considered supported: Default 2.0 -pow FLOAT Distance power law for combining multiple Hi-C contacts between the same particles. Default: -0.33 -lower DISTANCE Lower limit for a contact-derived distance restraint, as a fraction of the ideal distance. Default: 0.8 -upper DISTANCE Upper limit for a contact-derived distance restraint, as a fraction of the ideal distance. Default: 1.2 -bb_lower DISTANCE Lower limit for sequential particle backbone restraints, as a fraction of the ideal distance. Default: 0.1 -bb_upper DISTANCE Upper limit for sequential particle backbone restraints, as a fraction of the ideal distance. Default: 1.1 -ran INT Seed for psuedo-random number generator -rad DISTANCE Radius of sphere for random starting coordinates. Default: 10.0 -hot TEMP_KELVIN Start annealing temperature in pseudo-Kelvin units. Default: 5000 -cold TEMP_KELVIN End annealing temperature in pseudo-Kelvin units. Default: 10 -temps NUM_STEPS Number of temperature steps in annealing protocol between start and end temperature. Default: 500 -dyns NUM_STEPS Number of particle dynamics steps to apply at each temperature in the annealing protocol. Default: 100 -time_step TIME_DELTA Simulation time step between re-calculation of particle velocities. Default: 0.001 Jupyter Script -------------- In addition to the command-line tool a Jupyter notebook for Python 3 is provided to illustrate how nuc_dynamics can be imported used within Python scripts. Jupyter can be installed using: pip install jupyter And from the directory containing nuc_dynamics the notebook can be started with: jupyter notebook This notebook is has only been tested under Python version 3 and to run requires the Cython code to be compiled (see Installation section above), to generate the file, and for all the modules to either be in the same directory or on the PYTHONPATH.
Particle dynamics and simulated annealing for chromosome structure calculation