
Primary LanguageJava

NeoBot - Selenium Neopets Dailies and More Bot Automation Suite

A less-detectable, easy-to-use Neopets bot. Play while you sleep, while at school, while at work, anywhere.

Over 12 months of:

  • Constant use
  • Improvements
  • Updates
  • Millions of Neopoints farmed


  • Performs all your standard dailies
  • Manages your shop
  • Tracks your financial gains
  • Trains your pets
  • Text and email notifications
  • Does not hack the game
  • Does not change Neopets files
  • Does not edit packets


NeoBot was built, tested, and run on an 8 year old netbook with a single core Via Nano 1.3 GHz processor with 3Gb ram Windows 7 64bit. If it can run on that, you can run it.


  • A shop of at least size 6
  • Minimum 100k NP total, 200k recommended
  • A petpet attached to your pets
  • To automate the lab ray or forgotten shore, you will need to buy the maps and obtain access
  • To automate the battledome, your active pet must have at least two weapons and know Lens Flare

Setup and Instructions

Create a sub-folder in your Documents folder called Neopets

Download and unzip the package, go into the NeoBot-master folder, and copy and paste all the contents into your Documents folder

Your antivirus may affect sending email. You may need to disable your antivirus, or reconfigure it to permit emails/SMTP (as is the case with Avast).

Installations and Configurations

Prereq Action Purpose
AutoIT3 Download The main engine that drives the bot
Java 8 Download What the Email functionality uses
Javac Configure Add javac to your PATH to compile Java scripts
Firefox 41 Download (if you already have a newer version of Firefox, download this into a directory other than the installer's default) The browser NeoBot uses.

Update Code Parameters

Open up RunDailies.java and update:

public static final String YOUR_EMAIL = "CHANGE_ME@gmail.com";
public static final String YOUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD = "CHANGE_ME";
public static final String NUMBER_TO_TEXT = "5551234567@tmomail.net";
public static final String WINDOWS_USER = "CHANGE_ME";
public static final String USERNAME = "CHANGE_ME";
public static final String PASSWORD = "CHANGE_ME";
public static final String PETNAME = "CHANGE_ME";
public static final String PET_ZAPPED = "CHANGE_ME";
public static final String ALTADOR_URL = "CHANGE_ME";

Change YOUR_EMAIL to your gmail address.

Change YOUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD to your gmail password.

Change NUMBER_TO_TEXT to your phone number and carrier. Valid carriers are in the table below.

Change WINDOWS_USER to your Windows username.

Change USERNAME to your Neopets account username.

Change PASSWORD to your Neopets account password.

Change PETNAME to your active Neopets pet name.

Change PET_ZAPPED to your lab rat's name.

Change ALTADOR_URL to your Altador Council prize URL address ID (at the end of the URL).    

Provider Email to SMS Address Format
AllTel number@text.wireless.alltel.com
AT&T number@txt.att.net
Boost Mobile number@myboostmobile.com
Cricket number@sms.mycricket.com
Sprint number@messaging.sprintpcs.com
T-Mobile number@tmomail.net
US Cellular number@email.uscc.net
Verizon number@vtext.com
Virgin Mobile number@vmobl.com
Bell number@txt.bell.ca
Eastlink number@txt.eastlink.ca
Fido number@fido.ca
Koodo Mobile number@msg.koodomobile.com
MTS number@text.mtsmobility.com
PC Mobile number@mobiletxt.ca
Public Mobile number@msg.telus.com
Rogers number@pcs.rogers.com
Sasktel number@sms.sasktel.com
Solo Mobile number@txt.bell.ca
TBayTel number@pcs.rogers.com
TELUS number@msg.telus.com
Virgin Mobile number@vmobile.ca
WIND Mobile number@txt.windmobile.ca

Windows Configurations

Open up SetupWindows.bat and update:

AutoIt3.exe C:\Users\TheLazyGamer\Documents\Neopets\SetupWindows.au3

Change TheLazyGamer to your Windows username and save.    

Open up RunDailies.bat and update:

cd C:\Users\TheLazyGamer\Documents\Neopets

Change TheLazyGamer to your Windows username and save.        

Open up a Run window (Windows+r) and do:

  1. firefox.exe -p

  2. Click "Create Profile"

  3. Click Next.

  4. Under "Enter new profile name" put Neo1 and click Finish.

  5. Check "Use the selected profile without asking at startup".

  6. Click Neo1 and click Start Firefox.

  7. Open up Options.

  8. Make sure "Always check if Firefox is your default browser." is unchecked.

  9. Click Advanced in the left-hand menu.

  10. Click Data Choices and make sure everything is unchecked.

  11. Click Update and select "Never check for updates (not recommended: security risk)"

  12. If you wish to use a proxy, click Network and to the right of Connection click Settings.

  13. Install uBlock Origin Scroll down until you find the compatible version.

  14. Close Firefox.

  15. Open up RunDailies.java and update:

FirefoxBinary binary = new FirefoxBinary(new File("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe"));

Change C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe to your Firefox 41 installation path. This only needs to be changed if you didn't choose the default installation location

  1. Double click RunDailies.bat


Pi Configurations (only use this if you decide to run NeoBot on your Raspberry Pi)

  1. Create a bootable USB following the instructions here https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/

  2. run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade

  3. run sudo apt-get install chromium-browser (this will force chromium to update to the newest version. Run even if you have Chromium installed.)

  4. Download Chromedriver v2.21 for armv7l (confirmed working on Chromium 56) https://github.com/electron/electron/releases/download/v1.6.0/chromedriver-v2.21-linux-armv7l.zip

  5. cd to your Downloads folder in terminal

  6. run unzip YOUR_DOWNLOAD where YOUR_DOWNLOAD is the downloaded ChromeDriver zip

  7. run chmod +x ~/Downloads/chromedriver

  8. run sudo mv -f ~/Downloads/chromedriver /usr/local/bin/chromedriver

  9. Download Selenium 3.4 for Java here http://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/3.4/selenium-java-3.4.0.zip

  10. run unzip YOUR_DOWNLOAD where YOUR_DOWNLOAD is the downloaded selenium zip

  11. Move client-combined-3.4.0-nodeps into the lib folder inside Downloads which was generated from the previous step

  12. Download javax mail from https://github.com/javaee/javamail/releases/download/JAVAMAIL-1_6_0/javax.mail.jar and move the jar into your lib folder inside Downloads

  13. Download Apache Commons Email from http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/commons/commons-email/1.5/commons-email-1.5.jar and move the jar into your lib folder inside Downloads

  14. Create a folder called Neopets inside Documents

  15. Move the lib folder from Downloads into Neopets

  16. Create a file in Neopets called RunDailies

  17. Paste this into RunDailies: #!/bin/bash Xvfb :1 -screen 5 1920x1080x24 & export DISPLAY=:1.5 killall chromedriver cd /home/pi/Documents/Neopets javac -cp .:lib/* NeoDailiesPi.java java -cp .:lib/* NeoDailiesPi read -p "Press enter to continue"

  18. In a terminal cd to Neopets.

  19. run chmod 755 RunDailies (this makes it an executable bash file)

  20. run sudo apt-get install xvfb

  21. In a terminal run: sudo raspi-config

  22. Select Localisation Options. Then select Change Locale

  23. Select en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8. Then select en_GB.UTF-8

  24. Select Localisation Options. Then select Change Keyboard Layout

  25. Choose your keyboard, or select one of the generics that best apply (not intl if you're in the US)

  26. Choose English (UK)

  27. Select the appropriate AltGr configuration (usually no AltGr key).

  28. Select No compose key

  29. Select No for Ctrl_Alt_Backspace

  30. run sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard

  31. Change XKBLAYOUT="gb" to "us"

  32. Reboot

(19-22 Optional) 19. You may need to do a daily reboot. In a terminal run: sudo crontab -e

  1. If you haven't chosen an editor, choose nano (should be option 2)

  2. At the bottom of your crontab enter: 0 2 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r

  3. Press Ctrl+X to Exit, press Y to save, and press Enter to close

  4. We need to start the program upon reboot. In a terminal run: sudo crontab -e

  5. If you haven't chosen an editor, choose nano (should be option 2)

  6. At the bottom of your crontab enter: @reboot /home/pi/Documents/Neopets/RunDailies

  7. Press Ctrl+X to Exit, press Y to save, and press Enter to close

  8. Install teamviewer by choosing Raspbian ARM download here https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/linux

  9. Open a terminal and run sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb/file (it should error, hence the next steps)

  10. Run sudo apt-get install -f

  11. Run sudo apt--fix-broken install

  12. Open TeamViewer GUI and click the gear icon

  13. Set the password for remote conection to your choosing (make sure to save your password and 9 digit ID somewhere remote)

  14. Open a terminal and run sudo nano /boot/config.txt

  15. Uncomment #framebuffer_width=1280 and #framebuffer_height=720

  16. Press Ctrl+X to Exit, press Y to save, and press Enter to close

  17. Open Chromium and login to Neopets. Navigate to Qasalan Expellibox and enable Flash.

NOTE: The code provided handles this, but your Chromium profile filepath is as follows: user-data-dir=/home/pi/.config/chromium (/Default will be auto-appended)

Resources used: https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/a/67631









All Selenium projects are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Apache Commons Email is under Apache License 2.0.

JavaMail uses multiple licenses

The provided NeoBot scripts are released under MIT License. Copyright © 2017 TheLazyGamer

For educational purposes only. I am not responsible for any bans or suspensions to your account. Botting is against Neopet's EULA. Use at your own discretion.