================================================================================ SII 3nK Transcode project version 1.x ================================================================================ Index ------------------------------ Index ................................................... 9 Description ............................................. 20 Repositories ............................................ 40 Licensing ............................................... 53 Authors, contacts ....................................... 61 Copyright ............................................... 71 Description ------------------------------ This small project is designed to decode and/or encode files using a scheme that was introduces in some *.SII files from games developed by SCS Software. These files starts with a signature 0x014B6E33 which, when such file is opened in normal text editor, can be read as "3nK" (character 0x01 is usually not displayed), hence the name of this project. Integral part of this project is a small console program SII_3nK_Transcode. To use it, invoke it and pass path of the file you want to decode/encode as first command line parameter. If you want to store the result into different file, pass its path as a second parameter (the file does not need to exist, but the directory structure where it should be stored must exist, program does not create it). When you pass a valid 3nK file as an input to the program, the file will be decoded. When you pass any other file, the program will encode it into 3nK format. Repositories ---------------------------------------- You can get actual copies of SII 3nK Transcode project on either of these git repositories: https://github.com/ncs-sniper/3nK_Transcode https://bitbucket.org/ncs-sniper/3nk_transcode https://gitlab.com/ncs-sniper/3nK_Transcode Note - master branch does not contain binaries, you can find them in a branch called "bin". Licensing ---------------------------------------- Everything (source codes, executables/binaries, configurations, etc.) is licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0. You can find full text of this license in file license.txt or on web page https://www.mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. Authors, contacts, links ---------------------------------------- František Milt, frantisek.milt@gmail.com If you find this project useful, consider making a small donation using following link: https://www.paypal.me/FMilt Copyright ---------------------------------------- ©2018-2019 František Milt, all rights reserved
[DISCONTINUED] Utility that can both decode and encode files using 3nK encoding.