
Remaining SAGE File Formats

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These are the remaining file formats in LOMN that need documentation:

SLB Formats

  • strings.slb These are only present in the alpha and were used for the language test menu. The beta build can read them still.
  • Dseq.slb These are for the animation sequences of the dancing matoran in Onu-Koro in the alpha.
  • Haka.slb The alpha does not appear to read from these; unsure of whether this format differs at all from Dseq.

Character Formats

  • xxxx.bhd These seem to handle character rigging for models/animations.
  • xxxx.bkd These are the animation files for characters.
  • spheres.cdx This may be collision data for characters. Only ever seen them named "spheres."

Level Formats

  • xxxx.bcl Collision data for a given map. LOMN Tool can process these, but I put this here since we don't have a binary template for them yet.

Universal Formats

  • xxxx.x These are DirectX models, and can be processed by LOMN Tool. I think having a template for these would be handy still.

Other Formats

  • playerx.sav These are the save files used by LOMN.

spheres.cdx done: 3dd0189

BHD (though I'm not exactly sure how it is used): 60007a4

BKD (though I wish I have better variable names for things): adb1793

Added three SLB formats to the list as they have not been documented.

Made an image template for the string slbs


Also made bare-bones templates for Dseq:

And for haka