
An unfinished project with falling sand simulation at it's core, inspired by Noita

Primary LanguageShaderLab


An unfinished project with falling sand simulation at it's core, inspired by Noita Birthed on 2/16/2022, according to file metadata Screenshot of Said Project

The primary concept was an artillery-like game, much like ShellShock Live and Scorched Earth, but with sand simulation
However, it slowly evolved into more of just a base sand simulation game as that itself would be a feat

Unfortunately, it's code is still broken and only works in terms of moving particles, except collisions are still broken.
Fortunately, it's very fast and effecient at it :D

[insert long desc of how I intended to approach the problem, far fetched from the usual approach]

It has a nice 'foundation'/'outline' in terms of progress to ensure I had a certain goal in mind, but this project would succumb to it's own self inflicted injuries from the collision code giving me a headache

I've poured too much work into this one to not at least give it a second chance in the future