This project has been killed off. Might I interest you in ircbot by JakobOvrum? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juiz is an extremely modular IRC bot that runs on Lua. Anyone can make their own modules which can be enabled on-the-fly. Made by Team Unreliable Pollution: Some modules are licensed as public domain, enjoy! -- How to install: 1) Run ./juiz - this will generate a configuration file called config. 2) Edit that file, then run ./juiz again. 3) You're set! -- How to load modules on startup: 1) Open the configuration file. 2) Add a line that says "config.modules = {}" 3) Add the name of the modules in that table, example: config.modules = {"util", "ccmd", "data", "admin", "help"} -- How to join channels on startup: 1) Open the configuration file. 2) Make sure the module 'autojoin' is being loaded, example: config.modules = {"util", "ccmd", "data", "admin", "help", "autojoin"} 3) Add a table containing channels you wish to join, example: config.channels = {"juiz", "unreliablepollution"} Need more help? Use --help.