Primary LanguagePython

Centralized Network Configuration for Time Sensitive Network

The repository contains the basic Centralized Network Configuration (CNC) implementation for Time Sensitive Network (TSN) network management. This CNC main reponsibilities are:

  • Ethernet network monitoring (switch discovery and connection) for topology drawing
  • Calculate TSN-related configuration parameters and bridges communication

Note that that the original architecture involves the use of both CNC and CUC for network management. The complete architecture should be as follow: CNC and CUC

Project structure

The project is structured as followed:

├── cnc_main.py             # start CNC functions as separate tasks running in parallel
├── traffic_shaper.py       # switch TSN config calculation
├── gui                     # GUI for displaying network topology
│   └── gui.py
├── bridge_discovery
│   ├── sniff_lldp.py            # scapy sniffer that listens to switch LLDP broadcase
│   ├── frame_handler.py         # get switch basic information from LLDP frame
│   └── process_switch_config.py # YANG LLDP model definition for infomation retrieval
├── network_map
│   └── network_map.py           # network map related models and functions
└── netconf_helper
    ├── tsn_config.xml.py        # related XML payload and helper function
    ├── nc_get_config.py         # NETCONF <get-config>
    └── nc_edit_config.py        # NETCONF <edit-config>

The application starts from cnc_main.py, which spins up 2 tasks running asynchronously for Ethernet network map discovery and switch configuration calculation. Also note that everything under deprecated/ and tests/ are neither actively maintained nor used in the program.

Network topology

└── bridge_discovery/

For switch discovery, the CNC use tool scapy to listen to LLDP frames that swich advertises. After extracting switch name and IP address from such frames, CNC makes NETCONF request for detailed topology knowledge (switch's capability, ports and connection). All these information are saved into the common NetworkMap model.

TSN switch configuration

└── traffic_shaper.py

The standard IEEE terms for this functionality is traffic shaping. When there are changes to network map and it has complete drawing the topology, information are extracted to calculate QBV parameters. These parameters include:

  • Port gate cycle time
  • Gate control list entry
  • Offset of ingress and egress port for each traffic node

Installation and development

The project is done in Python, utilizing virtual environment management with Poetry. Make sure that you have at least Python3.8 and Poetry install on your system.

Project dependencies can be installed manually or by running

poetry install

CNC works with an Ethernet network, but it can also be connected to a single TSN switch. Modify the INTERF variable under bridge_discovery/sniff_lldp.py to your connected interface.

The application main entry point is cnc_main.py. After connecting to the network switch, running the application can be done by getting inside the Poetry virtual environment:

poetry shell
python3.8 cnc_main.py


poetry run python3.8 cnc_main.py

The Python program then runs continously until force stop. If the program throws an error it supposes to recover and keep running without exiting.


The GUI uses Tkinter, which is built into python, but if missing can be installed eg. with sudo apt-get install python3.10-tk for python3.10.

It can be ran separately from the main CNC functions from the gui/gui.py file.

python3 -m gui.gui gui/gui.py