C++ programming project - Dungeon Crawler

The Dungeon Crawler project is a Rogue-lite, turn-based gameplay. The Rogue-lite element will be implemented with perma-death features, random dungeons, and a currency/upgrade system that carries on after the player’s death, which helps to reduce the difficulty of the game. The turn-based gameplay element takes inspiration from the famous game franchise Fire Emblem, where each room of the dungeon is a tile-based map.

The project was implemented on top of SFML framework.


Project Structure

  • plan/ -- Project plans.

  • doc/ -- The documentation sources related to your project.

  • src/ -- Here are the C++ source files.

  • test/ -- Unit tests implemented with Google unittest framework.

  • resource/ -- Resources used in the project (fonts, pictures, ...).

  • README.md -- Essential info about this project.

  • CMakeLists.txt -- Makefile of the project.


  • CMake 3.16.3+
  • make
  • SFML 2.5.1
  • Python 3.6+ (required by Google unit test framework)
  • Git

Running the program

Step 1: Clone the project from repo

# Do not change the name of project folder!
git clone git@courses-git.comnet.aalto.fi:CPP-F2020/dungeon-2020-4.git 

Step 2: Create Makefile and build it

cd dungeon-2020-4
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .
make dungeon

Step 3: Run the program



TextUI is an Text-based user interface used for debugging purpose. To run the program, run the code showing below in the root directory of project.

cd build
make TEXT_UI

There are also some unit tests available. For instance, unit test for Coord class can be executed by running the following code in the root directory of project

cd build
make coordtest

Copyright 2020 © Khoa, Mai, Phi, Taige