note: To uninstall in Windows 10/11, make sure to use Control Panel "Programs and Features" and not the Settings app. Settings app does not know how to uninstall this runtime cleanly.
The Windows Speech API 4 SDK released by Microsoft in 1999.
The text-to-speech runtime released by Microsoft in 1999, need to install this runtime to utilize the voices.
The text-to-speech voices released by Microsoft in 1999.
- Microsoft Sam
- Microsoft Mike
- Mike (for Telephone)
- Mike in Hall
- Mike in Stadium
- Mike in Space
- Microsofy Mary
- Mary (for Telephone)
- Mary in Hall
- Mary in Stadium
- Mary in Space
TruVoice text-to-speech voices. Developed by the Lernout & Hauspie company in 1998 and was bundled with Microsoft products during WSAPI4.
- RoboSoft One
- RobotSoft Two
- RoboSoft Three
- RoboSoft Four
- RoboSoft Five
- RoboSoft Six
- Female Whisper
- Male Whisper
- Adult Male #1, American English (TruVoice)
- Adult Male #2, American English (TruVoice)
- Adult Male #3, American English (TruVoice)
- Adult Male #4, American English (TruVoice)
- Adult Male #5, American English (TruVoice)
- Adult Male #6, American English (TruVoice)
- Adult Male #7, American English (TruVoice)
- Adult Male #8, American English (TruVoice)
- Adult Female #1, American English (TruVoice)
- Adult Female #2, American English (TruVoice)