
Chef Library cookbook to install Microsoft SharePoint

Primary LanguageRuby


Windows SharePoint Cookbook


Tested Platforms

  • Windows Server 2012 R2
    • Note: SharePoint 2013 has a known issue installing on a Server that has .Net 4.6 or greater


  • Chef 12+



This is a library cookbook with custom resoures to provide a framework for installing and configuring SharePoint

Custom Resources


Install the SharePointDSC Module, SharePoint Pre-Req features and Software, and the SharePoint binaries


  • 'install' - Installs SharePoint
    • Note: This install requires two reboots to successfully complete the install


  • 'source_path' - Path to the SharePoint install binaries
    • Note: The Pre-Req install files need to be in the prerequisiteinstallerfiles folder
  • 'sxs_source' - Path to the sxs source files
  • 'install_dir' - Directory where Sharepoint will be installed
  • 'data_dir' - Directory where SharPoint data will be stored
  • 'pre_req_timeout' - Timeout for the pre-req install the default is 1500 seconds
  • 'install_timeout' - Timeout for the SharePoint install the default is 600 seconds
  • 'sp_license_key' - The license key for Sharepoint version that is being installed
  • 'install_module - Boolean for it the SharePoinDSC module should be installed


Install SharePoint

sharepoint_install 'Install SharePoint 2013' do
  source_path 'C:\\Sources\\SP2013'
  sxs_source 'C:\\Sources\\sxs'

Installl SharePoint on D drive

sharepoint_install 'Install SharePoint 2013' do
  source_path 'C:\\Sources\\SP2013'
  sxs_source 'C:\\Sources\\sxs'
  install_dir 'D:\\Program Files'
  data_dir 'D:\\SPData'


Create or Join a Sharepoint Farm


  • 'create' - Create the Farm if one doesn't exisit
  • 'join' - Join a Server to the Farm


  • 'sql_fqdn' - Full Qualified Domain Name of the SQL Server
  • 'configdb' - Name of the Configuration Database
  • 'passphrase' - The Farm passphrase - It is recoommended that this be secured with chef-vault or an encrypted data bag
  • 'farm_acct' - The Farm account user name
  • 'farm_pswd' - Password for the Farm account
  • 'setup_acct' - Account used to run DSC
  • 'setup_pswd' - Password for the setup account
  • 'admin_db' - Database name for the Central Admin Database only required if run_central_admin is true
  • 'run_central_admin' - Boolean if you want central admin installed on the node default is true
  • 'central_admin_port' - Central admin port default is 5000
  • 'central_admin_auth' - Authentication method for central admin, NTLM, Claims, etc. default is NTLM
  • 'log_path' - Path to directory to store SharePoint Logs default is C:\SPLogs
  • 'server_role' - SharePoint Role the server will be
    • Note: Available options are "Application", "ApplicationWithSearch", "Custom", "DistributedCache", "Search", "SingleServer", "SingleServerFarm", "WebFrontEnd", "WebFrontEndWithDistributedCache"


Create a Farm with all the defaults

sharepoint_farm 'Create the farm' do
  sql_fqdn 'sql.foo.local'
  passphrase 'super_secret_passphrase'
  farm_acct 'SP_Farm'
  farm_pswd 'super_secret_password123'
  setup_acct 'SP_Setup'
  setup_pswd 'super_secret_password234'

Join the Farm without central admin on the node

sharepoint_farm 'Join the Farm' do
  sql_fqdn 'sql.foo.local'
  passphrase 'super_secret_passphrase'
  setup_acct 'SP_Setup'
  setup_pswd 'super_secretpassword234'
  run_central_admin false


Creates, Configures, or updates a Web Application


  • 'create' - Create a Web Application
  • 'add_extension' - An an extension to an existing Web application
  • 'add_alt_url' - Adds an alternate url for the Web Application
  • 'create_app_catalog' - Creates an App Catalog
  • 'create_cache_accts' - Associates the Super User and Super Reader accounts for the Web App cacheing


  • 'web_app_acct' - The web app account - If this account is not already a managed account the resource will make it a managed account
  • 'web_app_pswd' - Password for the web app accaount
  • 'setup_acct' - Account used to run the DSC Resources
  • 'setup_pswd' - Password for the setup account
  • 'app_pool' - Name of the Application Pool
  • 'farm_acct' - The Farm Account username
    • Note: The app catalog requires the farm account instead of the setup account to create properly
  • 'farm_pswd' - Password to the Farm account
  • 'db_name' - Name of the Content Database
  • 'auth_method' - Authentication method for the Web Applicaiton vaild options are NTLM, Kerberos or Claims. The default is NTLM
  • 'auth_provider' - Authentication provieder used for claims based Authentication
  • 'url' - Url for the Web App or App Catalog
  • 'new_url' - New Url for the Web app when extending the Web App or adding an Alternate Url
  • 'port' - Port the Web App will be on default is 80
    • Note: This needs to be a String not an Integer
  • 'allow_anonymous' - Boolean wheather to allow anonymous access default it false
  • 'zone' - Zone for the alternate url or web app extension, the default is Intranet
  • 'super_user' - User name for the super user when creating the cache accounts
    • Note: The Super User and Super Reader accounts need to be different
  • 'super_reader' - User name for the super reader user when creating the cache accounts
