
🔘 An Unleash client for Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Unleash

Codacy Badge Packagist Build Status codecov

An Unleash client for Laravel.


composer require mikefrancis/laravel-unleash

Export package config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MikeFrancis\LaravelUnleash\ServiceProvider"


Documentation for configuration can be found in config/unleash.php.


use \MikeFrancis\LaravelUnleash\Unleash;

$unleash = app(Unleash::class);

if ($unleash->isFeatureEnabled('myAwesomeFeature')) {
  // Congratulations, you can see this awesome feature!

if ($unleash->isFeatureDisabled('myAwesomeFeature')) {
  // Check back later for more features!

$feature = $unleash->getFeature('myAwesomeFeature');

$allFeatures = $unleash->getFeatures();


You can use the Unleash facade:

use Unleash;

if (Unleash::isFeatureEnabled('myAwesomeFeature')) {
  // Congratulations, you can see this awesome feature!

if (Unleash::isFeatureDisabled('myAwesomeFeature')) {
  // Check back later for more features!

$feature = Unleash::getFeature('myAwesomeFeature');

$allFeatures = Unleash::getFeatures();

or use the generically named Feature facade:

use Feature;

if (Feature::enabled('myAwesomeFeature')) {
  // Congratulations, you can see this awesome feature!

if (Feature::disabled('myAwesomeFeature')) {
  // Check back later for more features!

$feature = Feature::get('myAwesomeFeature');

$allFeatures = Feature::all();

Dynamic Arguments

If your strategy relies on dynamic data at runtime, you can pass additional arguments to the feature check functions:

use \MikeFrancis\LaravelUnleash\Unleash;
use Config;

$unleash = app(Unleash::class);

$allowList = config('app.allow_list');

if ($unleash->isFeatureEnabled('myAwesomeFeature', $allowList)) {
  // Congratulations, you can see this awesome feature!

if ($unleash->isFeatureDisabled('myAwesomeFeature', $allowList)) {
  // Check back later for more features!


Blade directive for checking if a feature is enabled:

Congratulations, you can see this awesome feature!

Or if a feature is disabled:

Check back later for more features!

You cannot currently use dynamic strategy arguments with Blade template directives.