
Simple RBAC/ACL for Laravel 8 caching and permission groups.

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Laravel RBAC

Simple RBAC/ACL for Laravel 8 and more with caching permissions and permission groups for better convenience.


Install this package with composer using the following command:

composer require yaroslavmolchan/rbac

or you can add to your composer.json for Laravel 8.0

"require": {
    "yaroslavmolchan/rbac": "^2.0"

or if you use Laravel 5.5 use:

"require": {
    "yaroslavmolchan/rbac": "^1.0"

then run composer update.

Add Service Provider to providers array in config/app.php file.

'providers' => [
     * Package Service Providers...

Publish migration files

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\RbacServiceProvider" --tag=migrations

And then run migrations

$ php artisan migrate

Add middleware to your app/Http/Kernel.php file.

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'role' => \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Middleware\CheckRole::class,
    'permission' => \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Middleware\CheckPermission::class

Add Rbac trait to your User model

use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Traits\Rbac;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Rbac;



Creating roles

use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Models\Role;

$adminRole = Role::create([
    'name' => 'Administrator',
    'slug' => 'admin'

$managerRole = Role::create([
    'name' => 'Manager',
    'slug' => 'manager'

Attaching And Detaching Roles

You can simple attach role to user:

use App\User;

$user = User::find(1);
//or you can insert only id

And the same if you want to detach role:

use App\User;

$user = User::find(1);
//or you can insert only id

Checking for roles

You can simple check if user has role:

use App\User;

$user = User::find(1);
if ($user->hasRole('admin')) {


Creating permissions

use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Models\Permission;

$createPermission = Permission::create([
    'name' => 'Create product',
    'slug' => 'product.create'

$removePermission = Permission::create([
    'name' => 'Delete product',
    'slug' => 'product.remove'

Attaching And Detaching permissions

You can attach permission to role very simple:

use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Models\Role;

$adminRole = Role::find(1);
//or you can insert only id

And the same to detach permission:

use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Models\Role;

$adminRole = Role::find(1);
//or you can insert only id

If you want attach or detach array of permissions you can do it:

use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Models\Role;

$adminRole = Role::find(1);
$adminRole->attachPermissions([$createPermission, $removePermission]);
//or you can insert only id
$adminRole->detachPermission([$createPermission->id, $removePermission->id]);
use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Models\Role;

$adminRole = Role::find(1);
$adminRole->detachPermissions([$createPermission, $removePermission]);
//or you can insert only id
$adminRole->detachPermissions([$createPermission->id, $removePermission->id]);

Checking for permissions

You can simple check if user has permission:

use App\User;

$user = User::find(1);
if ($user->canDo('product.create')) {

All permissions for each role store in cache, and when you check for permission - it take information from cache, that`s why its works quickly.

Permission groups

Permission groups created for group some permissions in one main group, and then you can attach permission group to role and all permissions in this group attach to this role to. Its very useful thing.

Creating permission groups

use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Models\PermissionGroup;

$productManagementPermissionGroup = PermissionGroup::create([
    'name' => 'Product management',
    'module' => 'main' // optional

Attaching And Detaching Permissions to Permission group

You can add permission to group very simple:

use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Models\Permission;

$createPermission = Permission::find(1);
//or you can insert only id

And the same to remove permission from group:

use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Models\Permission;

$createPermission = Permission::find(1);
//or you can insert only id

Attaching And Detaching Permission groups to Role

You can attach permission group to role very simple:

use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Models\Role;

$adminRole = Role::find(1);

And the same to detach permission group:

use \YaroslavMolchan\Rbac\Models\Role;

$adminRole = Role::find(1);

Protected routes

You can easily protect your routes with role and permission params:

Route::get('/admin', [
    'uses' => 'AdminController@index',
    'middleware' => 'role:admin'

Route::get('/products/create', [
    'uses' => 'ProductsController@create',
    'middleware' => 'permission:product.create'

Blade Extensions

You can check roles and permissions in Blade like this:

    // show content only for admin
    // show content for other roles

    // show product create content


Laravel RBAC is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license