Component Model Form Definitions


NuGet Package: Build status

NPM Packages: Build status


ComponentModelFormDefintions is a NuGet packages that analyses System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations attributes on a class and generates a form definition model.

ngrx-componentmodelformdefintions is an NPM package that has an NGRX implemenation that retrieves those form defintions produced by the NuGet package (via an API GET route or some other mechanism).

ngrx-componentmodelformdefintions-material displays that form definition as a simple Angular Material form. It uses the @ng-dynamic-forms/core and @ng-dynamic-forms/ui-material NPM packages under the covers.

Getting Started


  1. Add the ComponentModelFormDefintions to your ASP.Net Web API project.
  2. Add the [RequestModel] attribute to your POST/PUT request models (the FormId property should be the route parameter for retrieving the form defintions).
  3. Use the FormDefintionManager class in your API controller to generate the form defintion for the request form ID.


  1. Setup Angular Material.
  2. Install the following NPM packages to your app.
    • ngrx-componentmodelformdefinitions
    • ngrx-componentmodelformdefinitions-material
    • ngx-netcore-api
    • @ngrx/store
    • @ngrx/effects
    • @ng-dynamic-forms/core
    • @ng-dynamic-forms/ui-material
    • angular2-text-mask
  3. Implement the AuthorizationTokenService from ngx-netcore-api (used to authorize API requests).
  4. Setup the various providers required by module dependencies.
  5. Use the mat-fd-form element in your form componet