
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This application is an elegant solution for searching for a recipe based on the user’s local temperature. Users can search for main ingredients and the application will return a list of recipes appropriate for the current temperature. For example, if the temperature is below freezing, the app will return more soups, baked goods, casseroles, and comfort foods. If it is very warm outside, more grillable foods, cold salads and blended beverages will appear.


If all the files are kept in a single fold and the user has an internet connection they should be able to use the application.


The usage was for our group to practice our CSS, HTML, and Javascript skills. We also had to use two different apis that we did not use in class and could not use Bootstrap styling.


We built this application with our assigned group, Jake O'Toole, Mary Jacobs, Mark McGraw and Patrick Brown. We also had help from our instructor and TAs.

Technologies Used

Bulma CSS Framework, WeatherBit API, Edamam API, HTML-5, Javascript, Git


As a group we found it difficult and nerve racking to have all four of us pushing and pulling our Git repository. It was hard to place our own code and have it successfully interact with our groups code. We also had to use new terminal commands that we haven't used before. It took us awhile to get confortable trusting the process. Mary mentioned that using Bulma as our CSS framework had different class names such as "is-ancestor" and "is-child" which was a new process. Mark and Patrick said that the apis were difficult to use because the documentation wasn't very thorough. Mark had to use trial and error while setting up his queryURL and Patrick commented that he had to read all of the documentation for the food api to make sure he understood which pieces of information he would need for his functions.

Live Site



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