
A command line tool to generate sequence diagrams

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

goseq - text based sequence diagrams

A small command line utility used to generate UML sequence diagrams from a text-base definition file.

Inspired by js-sequence-diagram and websequencediagram.


To install it:

go get github.com/lmika/goseq

To allow automatic generation of PNG files, build with the im tag (ImageMagick is required):

go get -tags im github.com/lmika/goseq


goseq [FLAGS] FILES ...

Supported flags:

  • -o filename: Specify output filename (either .svg or, if supported, .png)

Sequence Diagrams

goseq generates sequence diagrams from a text files which defines the participants and sequence of actions you want to represent:

Client->Server: Make request
Server->Database: Make database\nrequest
Database->Server: The result
Server->Client: The response


Sequence diagrams can also include things like blocks, notes and participant icons:

participant User (icon="human"): The User
participant Client
participant Server
participant Database (icon="cylinder")

User->Client: Clicks button
Client->Server: Make request
Server->Server: Check cache
alt: [response in cache]
    note over Server: Server only caches results\nfor 2 weeks.
    Server->Client: The cached response
    Server->Database: Make database\nrequest
    Database->Server: The result
    Server->Client: The response


For details and examples, please see the Language Guide.


Released under the MIT Licence.