Sylius Build Test Application GitHub Action

The goal of this action is to reduce the repetitive part of our every Sylius GitHub Workflow file.


Below you can find an example of a workflow file that uses this action. Keep in mind actions/checkout@v2 action is required and must be run before SyliusLabs/BuildTestAppAction action.

name: Example Workflow

    push: ~

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest

        name: "Sylius ${{ matrix.sylius }}, PHP ${{ matrix.php }}, Symfony ${{ matrix.symfony }}, MySQL ${{ matrix.mysql }}"

            APP_ENV: test_cached
            DATABASE_URL: "mysql://root:root@${{ matrix.mysql }}"

            fail-fast: false
                php: [ "8.1" ]
                symfony: [ "^5.4" ]
                sylius: [ "^1.11" ]
                node: [ "16.x" ]
                mysql: [ "8.0" ]

            -   uses: actions/checkout@v2

            -   name: Build application
                uses: SyliusLabs/SyliusBuildTestAppAction@v2.0
                    e2e: "yes"
                    database_version: ${{ matrix.mysql }}
                    php_version: ${{ matrix.php }}
                    symfony_version: ${{ matrix.symfony }}

            -   name: Run Behat
                run: |


Name Description Default Required to be explicitly defined
build_type Type of the build. Possible values: sylius (Sylius/Sylius repo), app (Sylius-Standard based), plugin app no
cache_key A cache key to be used No
cache_restore_key A cache restore key to be used No
e2e Whether prepare the test application for e2e tests no No
e2e_js Whether prepare the test application for e2e tests with JS no No
database A database engine to be used. Possible values: mysql, mariadb, postgresql mysql Yes
database_version MySQL version to be used 8.0 No
php_version PHP version to be used Yes
php_extensions PHP extensions to be installed intl, gd, opcache, mysql, pdo_mysql, pgsql, pdo_pgsql No
php_tools PHP tools to be installed symfony No
symfony_version Symfony version to be used Yes
sylius_version Sylius version to be used by default no version restriction is applied no
sylius_integration Parameter only for our internal purposes, where we test Sylius in different configurations empty No
node_version Node version to be used 16.x No