
My personal neovim config

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


In this repo I want to keep my neo vim config. It might evolve over time, let's see. Currently I'm just playing around. So don't expect anything functional here....

And right at the moment I'm moving my current setup from init.vim to completely using lua. So at the beginning it will be a downgrade. Stuff is heavily influenced by [neovim configuration from brainfucksec(https://github.com/brainfucksec/neovim-lua)



Needed neovim version >=0.8.0

Check health

use :checkhealth to get a first overview of the current status of the system.


Some specific packages should be present on the system



Make sure to install and enable Nerd Fonts


  • init.lua - main configuration file, used to only reference other config files
  • lua - Containing all the lua stuff
    • core - All main configuration files
      • options.lua - Config options for vim and neovim
      • keymaps.lua - All keybindings, generic and specific for plugins
      • plugins.lua - enabling of used plugins. For details see section about plugins


  • To exit insert or terminal mode, you can also use jk
  • >, < for indentation in visual mode
  • Shift-h, Shift-l to switch between buffers


  • / invoke incremental search
  • C-g move to next match
  • C-t move to previous match
  • C-p fzf a file
  • C-\ fzf open buffers
  • C-l do a live grep (using rg)
  • C-k search available keymaps

Insert register

In insert or command mode you can insert content of a register by pressing C-r <register_name> where register_name is the according key.



vim offers several different registers. They are either automatically or explicitly filled.

They can be accessed by prepending " to the register name. For example you are in visual mode and want to yank the current selection to the named register e, then you would enter "ey.

To read from the register in insert or command mode you can use C-r <register_name>

These are the different register names:

  • " The unnamed register. Contains last yanked/deleted region (if not specifically writing to named register or black hole)
  • - the last small delete (smaller than a line)
  • _ The black hole. Anything you write to this register is lost.
  • 0-9 Numbered register. Yank/delete fills according region in 0 and shifts previous content by one number
  • a-z, A-Z named registers. Can be used to store something in it.
  • % read only Current filename with full path
  • # alternate filename (the previous file in this buffer, if applicable)
  • * or + clipboard
  • / Last search pattern
  • : read only Last command line
  • . read only Last inserted text (Does not work with C-r on command line)
  • = The expression register. All subsequent inputs until <CR> (or <ESC>) are evaluated as a command (or abandoned)


For handling plugins the packer plugin manager is used. The basic setup should happen automatically.

The overall configuration is handled in lua/core/plugins.lua. Here you enable all the plugins by adding them to the list. Specific configuration for each plugin is supposed to be done in separate files in lua/plugins/....

Whenever you make changes to the plugins configuration you have to run :PackerCompile. Here is a list of different commands provided by packer:

-- You must run this or `PackerSync` whenever you make changes to your plugin configuration
-- Regenerate compiled loader file

-- Remove any disabled or unused plugins

-- Clean, then install missing plugins

-- Clean, then update and install plugins
-- supports the `--preview` flag as an optional first argument to preview updates

-- Perform `PackerUpdate` and then `PackerCompile`
-- supports the `--preview` flag as an optional first argument to preview updates

-- Show list of installed plugins

-- Loads opt plugin immediately
:PackerLoad completion-nvim ale

Specific plugins


nvim-tree is a file explorer. Making it easier to browse the available files



nvim-web-devicons adds filetype glyphs and colors.


feline a minimal, stylish and customizable statusline


fzf-lua lua implementation for using fzf

Some general introduction about fzf on YT


  • C-p Search for files
  • C-\ Search for buffers
  • C-g Grep - search for grep expression and then interactively search the results
  • C-l Live grep - interactively search for grep expression
  • C-k Keymaps



  • nvim - Documentation main page
  • nvim lua - Lua documentation by neovim project
  • vim diff - Differences between nvim and vim
  • Options - Neovim's options listed

Cheat sheets

  • vim cheat sheet - Standard vim cheat sheet, grouped by different modes. Done by Kethqwerty in Notion
  • Keyboard layout - A cheat sheet representing all the keys in QWERTY keyboard layout. Done via google docs
