
Author: Jasime Arensdorf, Tim Schoen, Dan Le, Milo Anderson, Paul Williamsen, Chris Ball, Evy Haan, Andrew Helmer Version: 1.0.0


This application is a Bitmap transformer. It will read a Bitmap file in and run image transforms: grayscale, inverse colors, flip vertically, flip horizontally, and resize to thumbnail. The transformed image will be written to a new .bmp file.

Getting Started

  • When the user runs the program, they will see which transform options are available.
  • The following arguments must be entered: input file path (required) and up to five transform options (at least one is required).
  • The CLI will run the number of transformations the user requests and save the transformed image into new files.
  • Either a message for a completed transform or an incorrect transform must be displayed.


Python, Cmd module, Pillow module, and Pytest.


No APIs used.
