Author: Milo & Tim Version: 1.1.0 (increment the patch/fix version number if you make more commits past your first submission)
This is a backend server app that retreives information about a city. It returns map data, weather forecasts, nearby restaurants, meetups, trails, and movies set in the given city.
After you clone the repo, you will need to run 'npm i' in your console to install the dependencies. You will also need to create an .env file and add a PORT number and your own API keys, e.g.:
PORT=3000 DATABASE_URL=[db_url] GEOCODE_API_KEY=[api_key] WEATHER_API_KEY=[api_key] YELP_API_KEY=[api_key] MOVIE_API_KEY=[api_key]
You will also need to create a postgresql database named "city_explorer". Having done this, run "psql -d city_explorer -f schema.sql" to create the table schemas. Don't forget to add your DATABASE_URL to your .env file.
This app depends on express, cors, superagent, and dotenv. It reads incoming query parameters and uses a superagent 'get()' call to return data from various APIs, which is then parsed into an object and returned to the client.
01-16-2019 10:00am - Refactored, application now has functioning routes for /location, /weather 01-16-2019 11:00am - Added route and API functionality for /yelp restaurants 01-16-2019 11:45am - Added route and API functionality for /movies 01-17-2019 130pm - Added DB caching functionality, refactored for generic dataLookup function
Code that was refactored today was based on collaborations with Jessica and Chris B.
Number and name of feature: locations data caching Estimate of time needed to complete: 2:00 Start time: 9:00 Finish time: 11:30 Actual time needed to complete: 2:30
Number and name of feature: refactor dataLookup Estimate of time needed to complete: 1:00 Start time: 11:30 Finish time: 12:30 Actual time needed to complete: 1:00
Number and name of feature: add restaurant & movie methods, & deploy Estimate of time needed to complete: 1.5 Start time: 12:30 Finish time: 2:00 Actual time needed to complete: 1.5