
A theme for discord inspired by the deep blues of the Atlantic

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Thanks to Equity for her help. Based on her theme Eventide

Color scheme inspired from my Fav Vscode theme Atlantic-Night

Spcial SyntaxHighlighting from Highlightjs theme Nord


Theme in use More Stuff Stop Done

Please note in the screenshots above the following extra CSS was used to change codeblock font

@import url("https://dev-cats.github.io/code-snippets/JetBrainsMono.css");
  font-family: 'JetBrains Mono';
  -webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga" on, "calt" on;
  text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;



Cloning the Repo

Simply clone the repo in your powercord/src/Powercord/themes and apply it. Thats all it takes

Simple CSS

Simply go to the themes menu in powercord and enter the following in the Quick Css

@import url(https://dagcord.github.io/Nord/nord.css);
Note, this requires the theme on Discord to be internally be set to Dark.
  You can do this by Settings > Appearance > Theme

and copy the powercord_manifest.json in the repo


  1. Download the BetterDiscord theme file from here.
  2. Locate your BetterDiscord themes folder by clicking the "Open Themes Folder" button in your themes tab.
  3. Enable the theme.


  • The theme is licensed under the MIT license. By you using it you agree to the terms described in it
  • The theme solely changes Discord's colors to its own, it does not add any extra features.
  • Special Thanks to equity for her help with this theme