
UI framework for Twion

Primary LanguageC++zlib LicenseZlib


Twist, a sort-of-portmanteau of Twion and SDL, is a UI framework based on SDL2 built in order to provide basic UI building blocks for the Twion project.

Its goal is to include:

  • Basic rendering abstractions based on OpenGL, such as drawing image assets and text
  • Basic UI components, such as buttons and text fields
  • Built in theming of UI components, including color and size

More specifically, its goal is to provide a UI framework that is enough to build a Blender-like UI: One where individual panels can be split and merged by the user, with each one containing some program function.


Twist depends on SDL2, FreeType, and stb_image.h.


As it currently stands, Twist provides no build process. It will eventually be migrated to CMake.


In an effort to reciprocate the kindness of the SDL project in being so freely licensed, Twist is similarly licensed under the zlib/libpng license.