
"For sale: baby shoes, never worn." ~Ernest Hemingway. This project is an exhibition for Tiny Fiction

MIT LicenseMIT


Six word novels began under heavy criticism. How can a novel be written in only six words? While the debate rages on, we need no convincing. Six word stories can be as powerful as a thousand page novel. This power comes from the reader's imagination, the most powerful thing in the world.

Home Page

Home Page

This app allows users to read and write six word stories. Each story gets processed by the sentiment.js algorithm and then assigned emotional value, displayed below the story. Users can then vote on stories and maybe find the next Ernest Hemingway!

Add Your Own Story

Add New Story Page

View All Stories

View All Stories


This project was a technical challenge for me to build a full-stack application that has an API, reads and writes data, and uses a library. The topic is something I have always been passionate about and I'm excited to get this app in the hands of users equally as excited about short fiction.

This was also my first full-fledged React App, so I definitely spent lots of time just getting familiar with the framework and its quirks.

Future Development

I hope to continue developing this project to include the following:

  • User Profiles that attach to social media platforms.
  • Options to write longer stories.
  • Ability to comment and discuss stories.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Postgresql

Local Installation

If you'd like to hack away at this project, great! Go ahead and fork the frontend or backend repo linked at the bottom of this README, clone it to your machine, then run:

npm install - for all the dependencies npm test - (frontend) for cypress in-browser tests. npm test - (backend) to run nodemon dev server. npm test-in-terminal - for cypress CL tests. npm start - to spin up local server.

Happy Hacking!

Link to front-end. Link to back-end. -Endpoints are at "/stories" and "/authors"

Front-end Repo Back-end Repo
