Extremely simple HTTP server (written in Python) that responds on port 8000 with a hello message.
Begin by editing the variables at the top of the Makefile as desired. If you plan to push it to a Docker registery, make sure you give your docker ID. You may also want to create unique names for your service and pattern (necessary if you are sharing a tenancy with other users and you are all publishing this service).
To play with this outside of Open Horizon:
make build
make run
make test
make stop
When you are ready to try it inside Open Horizon:
docker login
hzn key create **yourcompany** **youremail**
make build
make push
make publish-service
make publish-patterrn
Once it is published, you can get the agent to deploy it:
make agent-run
Then you can watch the agreement form, see the container run, then test it:
watch hzn agreement list
... (runs forever, so press Ctrl-C when you want to stop)
docker ps
make test
Then when you are done you can get the agent to stop running it:
make agent-stop