
C port of cryptobox.

Primary LanguageCISC LicenseISC


CryptoBox is a project underway to develop a package that provides core
functions for safely employing cryptography, while using FIPS ciphers as
the underlying cryptographic primitives. It is heavily inspired by NaCL
The aim is provide developers with a well-documented, properly-written,
FIPS-compliant set of tools for proper encryption. Most developers will
want to use NaCL, but this is provided for scenarios in which the use
of Suite B ciphers might be required.

libcryptobox is released under the ISC license.

libcryptobox uses the OpenSSL EVP primitives, and requires a recent
version of OpenSSL. For example, the version of OpenSSL shipped with OS
X as of 10.8.3 is too old. The library was written using OpenSSL 1.0.0.