Print Typewriter
Simple learning project for a Rust Library that lets you print strings character by character in a configurable way.
Typing out "hello" with each character taking 10 milliseconds to be printed
use print_typewriter::{char_duration, println_typed};
let duration = char_duration!(default;
println_typed!(duration, "hello");
Typing "hello world" with each word being typed instantly and each space taking 250 milliesconds
use print_typewriter::{char_duration, println_typed};
let duration = char_duration!(' '->;
println_typed!(duration, "hello");
Typing a formatted string, "hello {} world" with spaces taking 250 milliseconds, periods taking 1 second, and everything else taking 90
use print_typewriter::{char_duration, println_typed};
let duration = char_duration!(default, ' '->, '.'->1.s);
let beans = "beans";
println_typed!(duration, "hello {} world", beans);