
A simple mod to hide your modlist for whatever reason

Primary LanguageC#

Hide Mod List

  • A simple mod to hide your modlist or reduce the space your modlist takes.
  • It does not remove the text for Modding API or for mods that loaded with errors

Settings in ModMenu

  • Hide Mod List => Whether or not to hide modlist. (Default: True),
  • Placeholder Text => The text that will be shown when modlist is hidden (Default: "?")
  • Hide/Show with play mode menu => Should ModList hide or show with play mode menu. For use with for MenuChanger
  • Toggle Mod List Keybind => A keybind to toggle whether modlist is hidden or not. Will only work when modlist is visible (Default: none)

Mod Interop

Hide mod list allows other mods, via MonoMod's ModInterop, to call HideModLists internal functions. To do this, add the following code to your mod and then you will be able to call the following methods:

  • HideModList.HideList(bool usePlaceHolder) => Hides the mod list
  • HideModList.ShowList() => Shows the mod list
  • HideModList.UpdateListState(bool isHidden, bool usePlaceHolder) => Changes the state of the list of mods to hidden or shown depending on the the value of isHidden
using System;
using MonoMod.ModInterop;

// Replace the namespace with your project's root namespace
namespace YourModNameSpace
    internal static class HideModList
        private static class HideModListImport
            public static Action ShowList = null;
            public static Action<bool> HideList = null;
            public static Action<bool, bool> UpdateListState = null;
        static HideModList()
            // MonoMod will automatically fill in the actions in HideModListImport the first time they're used

        /// <summary>
        /// Forces list of mods to be hidden
        /// <param name="usePlaceHolder">Should the mod text be replaced with a smaller placeholder</param>
        /// </summary>
        public static void HideList(bool usePlaceHolder = true)
            => HideModListImport.HideList?.Invoke(usePlaceHolder);   
        /// <summary>
        /// Forces list of mods to be shown
        /// </summary>
        public static void ShowList()
            => HideModListImport.ShowList?.Invoke();

        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the state of the list of mods to hidden or shown depending on the the value of <paramref name="isHidden"/>
        /// <param name="isHidden">Should the list be hidden</param>
        /// <param name="usePlaceHolder">Should the mod text be replaced with a smaller placeholder</param>
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateListState(bool isHidden, bool usePlaceHolder = true) 
            => HideModListImport.UpdateListState?.Invoke(isHidden, usePlaceHolder);

Mod Showcase

Example of mod in use
Note: You can choose different Placeholder Texts by editing the global settings file.