This project is a bigger project than others from the tutorials I am creating in my blog (and that they will be ready soon, I will post a link to them here).
Meanwhile I finish writing them, you can download this project and test it by yourself since all the code is full of comments explaining what I do and why I do that!
Yeah, a demo is available! Test the demo here.
In this project we work with:
- Stateless components
- Stateful components
- Components and subcomponents
- Webpack
- Git
- Node Modules
- LocalStorage
- CSS Animations
- React Routes
So it is perfect to start learning, try it!
Just run this code:
git clone
After that, enter in the folder using:
cd .\tic-tac-toe-reactjs\
And install the dependencies:
npm install
Run it:
npm start
And done!