
A simple, opinionated CQRS/event-sourcing library for .NET. A fork of my original Regalo library, with a move back to integer version numbers and a few lessons learned.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

What is it?

A simple event sourcing "framework" based on Greg Young's work in DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing. In truth, as you'll see, it's barely a "framework" as much of a bunch of reusable code. :)

Why'd you call it "Inforigami.Regalo"?

Well it's an event sourcing framework, and events tell a story. You might "regale" someone with a story, and I just swopped the trailing "e" for an "o" to make it sound cool. Hence "Inforigami.Regalo". I pronounce it "regarlo", in case you're wondering.

How do I use it?

Inforigami.Regalo comes in two significant parts - there's Regalo.Core itself. This provides a bunch of interfaces and a Greg Young-inspired AggregateRoot class to derive your... aggregate roots from. You also get an event sourcing repository implementation. What's missing from that picture is the actual persistence. That's where Inforigami.Regalo.RavenDB (and at some point Inforigami.Regalo.EventStore and Inforigami.Regalo.SqlServer) come in. They provide an event store implementation.

Getting started is a case of installing one of the event store implementation packages via nuget.org e.g. install-package Inforigami.Regalo.Ravendb, then configuring a few dependencies (all Inforigami.Regalo libraries rely on the Dependency Inversion principle).

I'll try to build a "getting started" page on the wiki asap.