#Liaison Coding Challenge!

Screen Shot

##Objective: Complete the coding challenge in 3 hours.

  1. Application successfully connects to github API and can be run locally.

  2. User is able to input a search term that returns no more than 10 users matching the search query

  3. User is "rick-rolled" if search term includes the consecutive character string 'ron' (i.e. 'Bronson' will trigger the "rick-roll")

##Extra Sparkles (as Joe calls it):

  1. Scroll bar for results

  2. Input Validation

  3. A directive for the user cards

  4. A service to handle the calls to Github's API and return the data collected

##Biggest Challenge: Learning to call app.js last! I had no idea that could affect the flow and at the 11th hour I decided to create a service for retrieving the users and almost scrapped all the work until I started playing with the order of my script tags.

###Try it yourself!

In your Terminal you should -

Enter the project folder:

cd liaison

Run this command to install all dependencies:

npm install

Run this command to run the application on localhost:3000:

node server

In your browser window navigate to localhost:3000. Have fun!