
Discord bot for clearing old messages.

Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Blink, and you miss it.

Blink is a Discord bot for clearing older Discord messages in servers. It is intended for servers that want to have a message history, but not more than a few days. The bot is designed to be able to handle larger channels with longer retention times, and was created after facing issues with other bots when setting the retention time longer.

Note: While the bot does not have access to message contents (assuming the message contents intents is not active, that is), Discord most likely stores your deleted messages. The bot will not cover for anything against Discord's ToS.


Configuration is currently handled with a configuration.json file. There are no Discord commands to configure it. The configuration file can look like the following:

    "DiscordApiKey": "DISCORE_API_KEY",
    "DeleteActionDelaySeconds": 60,
    "Channels": [
            "ChannelId": 12345678901234567890,
            "MessageMaxAgeSeconds": 259200,
            "DryRun": false
            "ChannelId": 12345678901234567890,
            "MessageMaxAgeSeconds": 259200,
            "DryRun": false
  • DiscordApiKey is the Discord API key of the bot. Changing this requires restarting the application.
  • DeleteActionDelaySeconds is the delay (in seconds) between checking for messages to delete.
  • Channels is the list of channels that are cleared. Included is:
    • ChannelId: Id of the channel in Discord.
    • MessageMaxAgeSeconds: Amount of seconds a message can be up before being deleted.
    • DryRun (optional): If true, the logic for delete messages will run and show in the logs, but won't actually delete messages.

Except for DiscordApiKey, all configuration entries can be changed while the application is running.

Hosted Bot

At the moment, no public bot is provided. This is due to the limitations of the configuration and potential API rate limiting with 1 massive bot. Please self-host or consider an alternative.

Running (Docker)

Blink is intended to be run in Docker with the provided docker-compose.yml file. docker compose up -d --build will build and start the application, but a directory named configuration in the root project directory with the configuration.json is required.


Blink is available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. See LICENSE for details.